Visualisation tools resource list, Anthony Judge and Nadia McLaren
Stephen Davies, Javier Velez-Morales & Roger King. Building the Memex Sixty Years Later: Trends and Directions in Personal Knowledge Bases. 2005
Resources on mind mapping packages, include:
- Checklists:
- FreeMind ( free, opensource
- MindManager ( commerical, Windows
- MindMapper (
- VisualMind (
- MindGenius ( commercial, Windows
- BrainMine ( commercial, Windows
- NovaMind ( commercial, Mac
- DeepaMehta ( networked semantic desktop
- MyMind (, shareware, Mac
- i2Brain ( Java
- ConceptDraw MindMap ( Mac Windows
- Inspiration ( commercial, crossplatform
Resources on concept mapping include:
- Concept mapping website (
- ConceptMapping Wiki (
- Knowledge Manager ( commercial, PC, Mac
- Decision Explorer ( commercial, PC
- The Brain ( commercial, PC
Resources on network visualization include:
- Network visualization resources
- Network Vizualization community (
- Graph Interface Library-GINY (
- TouchGraph (
- HyperGraph (
- 3D-VRML (
- WilmaScope is a Java3D application which creates real time 3d animations of dynamic graph structures (
- Pajek: large network analysis (
- NetDraw (
- Netmap (;
- prefuse ( a Java-based toolkit for building interactive information visualization applications.
- Walrus ( is an opensource tool for interactively visualizing large directed graphs in three-dimensional space
Use of text analysis / theme abstracting packages: To alleviate the task of the concept analyzers, consideration could be given to the use of packages such as:
- Checklist of Text Summarization Projects (
- Examples:
- Libextractor ( extract meta-data from files of arbitrary type
- Automatic Keyword Extraction process (AKE)
- The iJoomla Metatag Generator, which supports current SEO efforts, manages metatags and generates metatag descriptions and keywords.
- Michael J. Giarlo: A Comparative Analysis of Keyword Extraction Techniques (
- Marko Grobelnik, Dunja Mladenic: Visualization of News Articles
- NewsMap (
- Ten By Ten (×10.html)
- Blinkx .TV ( searching 1 million hours of TV
- etc
Project coordinator: Richard Tanter
17 May 2008