Climate change adaptation and resource management tools
See also:
Ecological Footprint, Global Footprint Network
Ecological Footprint is a resource management tool that measures how much land and water area a human population requires to produce the resources it consumes and to absorb its wastes under prevailing technology.
Learning Tools: Building capacity for sustainability planning and assessment, International Institute for Sustainable Development.
Making the transition from sustainability theory to practice requires navigational tools that can be applied and integrated at the institutional level and have direct relevance for policy-making. IISD’s capacity development work in the Measurement and Assessment program is focused on conceptual and methodological guidance, providing tools and a “learning-by-doing” style of assistance in developing strategies as well as assessment and reporting products. Our emphasis is on moving towards more policy-relevant sustainable development assessment, reporting and planning.
Integrated Assessment for Environment and Sustainability
IISD works to build capacity for systematic reporting of environmental trends and their interactions with economic and social policies. -
Government Planning and Reporting for Sustainable Development
This involves the development of information systems that emphasize economic, social and environmental issues and their interactions. IISD works with governments to advance these systems of information and related tools.
Tools and resources, Adaptation Learning Mechanism (adapted from Sharing Climate Adaptation Tools: Improving decision-making for development workshop report, sponsored by the Institute for Development Studies, the World Bank, and the International Institute for Sustainable Development.)
ACCCA/UNITAR database contains project information and resources for Africa.
Global Support Programme for National Capacity Self-Assessment is a joint UNDP-GEF and UNEP programme that focuses on strengthening the capacities of individual countries to manage their priority environmental issues and contribute to global environmental benefits.
National Communications Support Programme (NCSP) is a joint UNDP-GEF and UNEP programme that provides technical and policy support for preparing national communications. Support includes technical consultations, distance technical backstopping, workshops, guidance, and review of drafts.
NCSP Compendium of Vulnerability and Adaptation Resources includes: literature, models and tools for V&A assessments, by thematic area and geographic region; network directory for expert assistance upon request; and a moderated email discussion.
SEI Vulnerability Network & Observatory is a document hotel and discussion forum.
UNFCCC Local Coping Strategies Database facilitates the transfer of long-standing climate-change coping strategies, mechanisms, knowledge, and experience.
UNFCCC Methodologies and Tools to Evaluate Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation is a centralized, regularly updated source of topical information.
Vulnerability and Adaptation Resource Group (VARG), an informal network of bilateral and multilateral institutions, facilitates the integration of climate change adaptation in the development process through the sharing, assessment, synthesis, and dissemination of existing knowledge and experience.
weADAPT is a collaborative initiative on climate change adaptation. It hosts the Climate Change Explorer tool for visualizing climate data and wikiADAPT, an interactive space for sharing knowledge and experience.
Project coordinator: Richard Tanter
6 June 2008