VX Contributors

About Virtual Expeditions Contributors Virtual Expeditions 1.0 (Tokyo Bay and San Francisco Bay) is a joint project of WorldLink Foundation and Nautilus Institute. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following people and organizations. Participating Organizations Bay Area School Reform Collaborative: committed to supporting whole-school change in the Bay Area. Center for Global Communications (GLOCOM): […]

Habor Seals

Harbor seals and the changing environment of the Bay Harbor seals are found throughout the northern hemisphere in the nearshore waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Their need to regularly haul-out on land to rest and nurse pups ties them to coastal feeding areas, which are often contaminated with industrial and municipal pollution.  In […]

How to Choose a Search Engine Worksheet

Getting Started   Getting Started 1: How to Choose a Search Engine This activity helps you to distinguish between different search engines and with conducting more accurate online searches. 1. Choose one of the following topics to research on the web: Marine pollution in Tokyo Bay Balance of trade issues between Japan and the United […]

How to Choose a Search Engine

Teacher Orientation Activity Guides   Getting Started 1: How To Choose A Search Engine Students learn how to distinguish between different search engines and how to conduct more accurate searches. Rationale Does the Internet sometimes feel like a vast ocean of information with a rising tide? Does finding a useful piece of information feel like […]

How to Research Complex Topics 2

Getting Started   Getting Started 2: How to Research Complex Topics This activity helps you develop strategies for researching complex topics on the web and for evaluating and organizing your findings. 1. Choose one of the following complex topics to research: Global Warming: Viewpoints Should Whaling Be Abolished? The Role of the Tea Ceremony in […]

How to Research Complex Topics

Teacher Orientation Activity Guides   Getting Started 2: How to Research Complex Topics Students learn how to develop a research plan, organize their findings and evaluate sources of information. Rationale Complex topics have no single right answer and no single source of information. Researching a complex topic challenges students to construct a “map of the […]

How to cite 2

  Getting Started   Getting Started 3: How to Cite Sources While doing research for a project, paper or presentation, it is important to keep track of the sources of information you draw from. These sources need to be documented, or ‘cited’, in the final presentation. This activity helps you learn how to prepare citations […]

How to Cite Sources

Teacher Orientation Activity Guides   Getting Started 3: How to Cite Sources Students learn how to prepare citations for resources they discover online. Rationale Bibliographies offer a roadmap to the sources that inform everything from a book to an article to a web site. The citations contained in a bibliography give us context, history and […]

Eye in the Sky 1

Teacher Orientation Activity Guides Expedition 1: Eye in the Sky Students interpret images of Tokyo Bay and San Francisco Bay from space and make maps that show key geographic features. Rationale Images of urban areas taken from space give us a new perspective on issues such as land use, topography and patterns of human activity. […]