NAPSNET Week in Review 6 April, 2001

China 1. US-PRC Spy Plane Collision A US Navy EP-3 surveillance aircraft carrying a crew of 24 collided with a PRC fighter on April 1, 2001. The EP-3 was forced to make an emergency landing on the PRC’s Hainan Island. An unnamed US Defense Department official said that the pilot came into Lingshui air base […]

NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 2 April, 2001

Nuclear Weapons 1. US Nuclear Weapons Program Alliant Techsystems reported that the ATK/Thiokol Propulsion Consolidated Joint Venture has been awarded two contracts to produce solid propulsion systems for all three stages of the US Navy’s Trident II (D-5) Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM). The Trident II FBM is the only US submarine-launched strategic missile system in […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 30 March, 2001

Korea 1. US Policy toward DPRK The Los Angeles Times published an opinion piece by Michael Parks and Gregory F. Treverton, fellows at the Pacific Council on International Policy. The article said that the summit meeting between US President George W. Bush and ROK President Kim Dae-jung this month was “a diplomatic train wreck” and […]

NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 27 March, 2001

Nuclear Weapons 1. South Asian Nuclear Programs Shaun Gregory, a lecturer at the Department of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford in the UK, discusses command and control systems for nuclear program in South Asia in a report funded by the United States Institute for Peace (USIP). Gregory states that, given the current perceptions […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 23 March, 2001

Korea 1. Inter-Korean Ties A day after it abruptly canceled Cabinet-level talks with the ROK, the DPRK’s official Korean Central News Agency released a statement highly critical of the US for its hard-line stance on resuming talks with the DPRK designed to halt its missile program. “DPRK Missile Program” (NPP Weekly FLASH, V.3 #11) “Inter-Korean […]

NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 16 March, 2001

Nuclear Weapons 1. Israel Nuclear Program Avner Cohen, author of “Israel and the Bomb” and currently a Senior Researcher at the National Security Archive at George Washington University, returns soon to Israel for the first time since his book’s publication in 1998. The book includes no technical or operational details about Israel’s nuclear arsenal, but […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 16 March, 2001

Korea  1. US-DPRK Missile TalksSeveral US Congressmen urged US President George Bush to not commit himself to the 1994 Agreed Framework with the DPRK. US Secretary of State Colin Powell said in a press conference that “We are monitoring the Agreed Framework, and we’ve continued to support the 1994 Agreed framework.” “US-DPRK Missile Talks” (NPP […]

NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 12 March, 2001

Nuclear Weapons 1. Alleged Russian Nuclear Tests The New York Times reports that some intelligence officials and nuclear analysts in the US have concluded that Russia is lying when it said it conducted only non-nuclear underground tests on an Arctic island and is instead detonating small nuclear blasts. However, other experts say that charge is […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 9 March, 2001

Korea 1. US-ROK Summit US President George W. Bush told ROK President Kim Dae-jung on Wednesday that he would not resume negotiations with the DPRK on missile talks anytime soon. Bush told Kim that the US still regards the DPRK as a threat and could not verify the implementation of any possible deal with the […]

NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 2 March, 2001

Nuclear Weapons 1. Iraqi Nuclear Program The London Sunday Times reported that two former senior scientists in the Iraqi nuclear program stated that Iraq carried out a successful nuclear test before the Gulf war and now has a nuclear stockpile. They said that a nuclear test was carried out southwest of Baghdad in September 1989 […]