NAPSNET Week in Review 14 September, 2001

Korea 1. Effect of US Attacks on Korean Peninsula The DPRK issued a statement that criticized the acts of terrorism on the US. According to the state-run Korea Central News Agency (KCNA), a DPRK Foreign Ministry spokesman pointed out that the latest terror committed in World Trade Center Towers and Pentagon was a great shock […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 7 September, 2001

Korea 1. Trilateral Coordination Talks The US, Japan, and the ROK released a joint statement from the Trilateral Oversight and Coordination Group Meeting on September 6 which said the US is prepared “to undertake serious discussions with North Korea without preconditions.” The US expressed its hope “that North Korea would positively respond to its call” […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 31 August, 2001

Korea 1. DPRK-PRC Talks The PRC and the DPRK announced on August 27 that PRC President Jiang Zemin will pay an “official goodwill visit” to the DPRK from September 3-5 at the invitation of DPRK leader Kim Jong-il. No agenda details were provided. Diplomatic sources said, however, that the two leaders are likely to focus […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 24 August, 2001

Korea 1. US-DPRK Talks The DPRK said that the “unilateral” US decision to add new agenda items is holding up the resumption of talks, and it called on US President George W. Bush to return to an “identical” posture as that of former President Bill Clinton. “US-DPRK Talks” (Daily Report, August 24, US) “US-DPRK Talks” […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 17 August, 2001

Korea 1. US-DPRK Talks ROK President Kim Dae-jung on Wednesday called on the US to “make its best efforts to resume talks” with the DPRK. US State Department deputy spokesman Phillip T. Reeker reiterated that the US “is prepared to undertake serious discussions with the North Koreans at any place, at any time, and without […]

NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 13 August, 2001

Nuclear Weapons 1. US Nuclear Program Jane’s reports that the US Navy’s proposed program to convert up to four Ohio-class ballistic missile nuclear submarines, which have to be withdrawn from nuclear service under arms control agreements, to cruise missile and special forces platforms now appears more likely to be funded with additional support from President […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 10 August, 2001

Korea 1. Kim Jong-il’s Russian Trip After a nine-day journey from the DPRK border to Moscow, a stay in the capital and a two-day tour of Saint Petersburg, DPRK leader Kim Jong-il met with Russian President Vladimir Putin before leaving Moscow on August 7 and headed back to the DPRK. Kim reportedly told Putin that […]

NPP Weekly FLASH Update, August 6, 2001

CONTENTS Volume 3, #30 August 6, 2001 Nuclear Weapons Alleged Russian Missile Test US Nuclear Bombers   Arms Control US-Russia Talks on ABM   Missile Defense US Statements on BMD US BMD Program US BMD Test US-Russia Talks US-PRC Talks Commentary   Security US Nuclear Policy Russia-PRC-US Triangular Relations   Military Russian Submarine   Nuclear […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 3 August, 2001

Korea 1. Kim Jong-il’s Russian Visit An unnamed senior ROK official stated, “This trip-due to its length and mystery-is being closely watched by our government.” Some US and ROK observers expressed fear that DPRK leader Kim Jong-il will use his trip to try to form a stronger military alliance with Russia. Kim and Russian President […]

NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 30 July, 2001

Arms Control 1. US Statements on 1972 ABM Treaty Officials in the Bush administration stated that the US does not intend to amend the 1972 ABM Treaty to permit development of a missile defense system but will instead seek Russian agreement for mutual withdrawal from the accord. John R. Bolton, undersecretary of state for arms […]