Weekly Report October 31- November 4 2005

HKH Foundation Supports Nautilus with a $50,000 Grant The HKH Foundation, which funds organizations that seek to change the terms of debate and work to address the source of a problem rather than ameliorating its symptoms, donated $50,000 to the Nautilus Institute to support its general program work. The HKH Foundation South Korea’s Blueprint for […]

Weekly report April 18 – 22 2005

Hayes Says China Substituting For American Power Peter Hayes, Nautilus Institute Executive Director, was quoted on Radio Australia saying “The reality is that the [US] State Department and other agencies … are rather desperately looking for ways to deal with the situation because if they don’t, then the United States stands to lose substantial face […]

NAPSnet Top Story: Rice, China’s Jiang Discuss N.Korea Nuclear Issue

NAPSnet Top Story: Rice, China’s Jiang Discuss N.Korea Nuclear Issue U.S. national security adviser Condoleezza Rice discussed the urgent issue of the DPRK’s nuclear ambitions with the PRC’s military chief Jiang Zemin in Beijing Thursday, but her host showed more interest in Taiwan. Rice and Jiang “discussed the need for North Korea to give up […]

Nautilus Peace and Security 8 October 2004

THE NORTH KOREAN HUMAN RIGHTS ACT AND OTHER CONGRESSIONAL AGENDAS This is a paper by Karin J. Lee, Senior Associate at the East Asia Policy Education Project at the Friends Committee on National Legislation Education Fund. Mrs. Lee writes: “Congress should certainly be commended for raising human rights concerns about North Korea. There are, however, […]

Nautilus Peace and Security October 1, 2004

NAPSNet Top Story: N Korea Says It ‘Weaponized’ Spent Plutonium Financial Times reported that the DPRK claims it has “weaponized” all of its spent plutonium rods because the US’s hostile policies towards Pyongyang leave it no choice but to develop a “nuclear deterrent”. After making the claims to the UN general assembly in New York […]


1. DPRK Plutonium Reprocessing Financial Times (“N KOREA SAYS IT ‘WEAPONISED’ SPENT PLUTONIUM “, 2004-09-29) reported that the DPRK claims it has “weaponized” all of its spent plutonium rods because the US’s hostile policies towards Pyongyang leave it no choice but to develop a “nuclear deterrent”. After making the claims to the UN general assembly […]

NAPSNET Weekly Report 17 September, 2004

South Korea’s Nuclear Mis-Adventures This paper by Jungmin Kang, Tatsujiro Suzuki, and Peter Hayes examines the recent disclosures of a ROK uranium enrichment program. Jungmin Kang is an independent nuclear policy analyst in Seoul and Associate of Nautilus Institute; Tatsujiro Suzuki is a nuclear analyst affiliated with University of Tokyo in Tokyo; Peter Hayes is […]

Nautilus Peace and Security 3 September 2004

  US Department Of Energy Awards Nautilus $340,000 For Asian Energy Security Project The US Department of Energy awarded the Nautilus Institute a $340,000 grant in support of the Asian Energy Security Project in 2005. The Asian Energy Security Project seeks to produce collaborative research, involving groups from each of the countries in Northeast Asia […]

Nautilus Peace and Security 27 August 2004

The Nautilus Weekly provides an overview of current releases from NAPSnet, summary of the bimonthly EASSnet, highlights of developments in the global collaborative, recent publications on global problem solving and Freedom of Information Act, and updates on Nautilus activities and public relations. As a Nautilus Weekly subscriber, readers will also receive Nautilus Policy Forum Online and Special […]

Nautilus Peace and Security 30 July 2004

AESNet Top Story: Updates on the ROK Energy Sector and the ROK LEAP Model, and Implications of a Regional Alternative Path for the ROK The Nautilus Institute released this paper from Nautilus’ Asian Energy Security Workshop held May 11 – 14 in Beijing, China. The paper provides an update on the Republic of Korea energy […]