Integrated Resource Planning for Asia?

David Von Hippel, Chris Greacen, and Chuenchom Sangarasri Greacen 21 December 2013 Nautilus Institute David Von Hippel is a Nautilus Institute Senior Associate working on energy and environmental issues in Asia, as well as on analysis of the DPRK energy sector.  Chris Greacen and Chuenchom Sangarasri Greacen are cofounders of Palang Thai, an independent Thai […]

Transition to Japan’s Post-Fukushima Energy System: Momentum and Barriers

David von Hippel 30 October 2013 Nautilus Institute David Von Hippel is a Nautilus Institute Senior Associate working on energy and environmental issues in Asia, as well as on analysis of the DPRK energy sector. This paper was prepared with support from the Hanyang University’s Energy, Governance and Security (EGS)  Center, available in Global Energy Monitor Vol. 2, […]

Untying the Civil Nuclear Liability Knot in the Indo-US Nuclear Deal

Kapil Patil 30 September 2014 Nautilus Institute Kapil Patil is a Researcher at the Indian Pugwash Society, New Delhi and views expressed are his alone. The successful and timely conclusion of the Indo-US nuclear cooperation agreement in 2008 had raised enormous hopes for rapid growth of India’s nuclear energy sector. The nuclear accord took place […]

Energy Needs in the DPRK

Energy Needs in the DPRK, and Opportunities for Collaboration on Energy Sector Engagement and Redevelopment by David. Von Hippel and Peter Hayes The Center for Energy Governance & Security Seoul, Korea 12 August 2014 I. INTRODUCTION A series of events in the last few years and months have kept the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) in […]

Should South Korea Go Nuclear?

by Peter Hayes and Chung-in Moon 28 July 2014 I. SUMMARY Relative to the status quo of relying on US nuclear extended deterrence, the ROK developing and deploying its own nuclear weapons, or, arranging for redeployment of US nuclear weapons into Korea, are fantastic ideas. The latter options would reduce the credibility of US retaliation in response to a […]

한국, 핵무장 해야 하는가?

피터 헤이즈 문정인 2014 월 28 요약 미국의 핵 확장 억지력에 의존하는 현 상태를 유지하기 보다는 한국이 자체적인 핵 개발에 나섬으로써 핵 무기를 보유한다거나 미국의 핵 무기를 한국에 재배치하자는 생각은 타당치 않다. 이는 북한의 선제 핵 공격에 대한 미국의 보복 대응의 신뢰도를 떨어뜨리고, 미국이 한국에 제공하고 있는 재래식 전력에 의한 억지력의 견고함을 해치는 결과를 가져올 […]

Update on the Consideration of the Possibility of Deep Borehole Disposal in Japan

by Tomochika Tokunaga 11 July 2014 Originally published 29 March 2014, Department of Environment Systems University of Tokyo. I. Update on the Current Status of Japan’s High-level Waste Disposal Program This report provides an update on the consideration of the possibility of deep borehole disposal in Japan, revising the report submitted to Nautilus Institute by the author […]