NAPSNet Daily Report 21 June, 2001


I. United States

1. DPRK on US-DPRK Talks
2. IAEA Inspection of DPRK
3. Compensation for Agreed Framework
4. US-ROK Military Alliance
5. Taiwan Patriot Missile Tests
6. PRC-ROK Relations
7. Call for Stable Sino-US Relations
8. US Forces in Asia-Pacific
9. US-Japan Military Relations
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK-US Talks
2. US on Talks with DPRK
3. US on DPRK Demand
4. US to Track DPRK Nuclear Record
5. EU to Increase its Contribution to KEDO
6. DPRK Intrusions Across the NLL
7. DPRK Official to Tour S.E. Asia
8. DPRK Chairman’s Inspections
9. PRC President to Visit DPRK
III. People’s Republic of China 1. DPRK-US Talks
2. US May Abolish ABM Treaty
3. Japan on US Missile Defense
4. PRC on Japan’s View of US Missile Shield
5. Russia-US Summit Meeting
6. Shanghai Cooperation Organization

NAPSNet Daily Report 13 June, 2001


I. United States

1. Japan on US Missile Defense
2. Recognition by Macedonia
II. People’s Republic of China 1. DPRK Light-Water Reactors
2. DPRK-US Talks
3. ROK Response to US-DPRK Talks
4. PRC Calls for PAROS Agreement
5. US NMD Testing
6. Russian View of US NMD System
7. French View of US NMD Deployment
8. US Nuclear Weapons
III. Russian Federation 1. DPRK-US Relations
2. PRC to Return US Reconnaissance Plane in Four Pieces
3. PRC on Outer Space Militarization Issue
4. RF Media on RF Foreign Relations in Northeast Asia
5. RF Air Force Reform