Wesley Clark on North Korea

Author:  Karin Lee <karin@fcnl.org> Date:  24-Sep-2003 01:03:11   For those of you who are interested in what various candidates have to say about North Korea here is a clip from Wesley Clark’s website: “We need to be talking to the North Koreans. They don’t want war. We don’t want war. But you know truth is, there are […]

NLR September 9, 2003

Author:  Harry G. Barnes <hgbarnes@attglobal.net> Date:  12-Sep-2003 09:25:43 Dear Karin,     I appreciate very much your continuing to post interesting material on the list serve. I hadn’t heard of NLR before and found some articles referred to which I hadn’t come across before.     I’m tentatively planning to go to South Korea for about a […]

North Korea and Nuclear Weapons – Policy Options

Choices for the 21st Century Education Program Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies, 2003 What follows is a framework of policy “Options” that address the current debate about North Korea. These options are designed to help you think about a range of possible policies and the ramifications of each. The four options provided are […]

S. 1336. A bill to allow North Koreans to apply for refugee status or asylum; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Author:  Karin Lee <karin@fcnl.org> Date:  26-Jun-2003 13:25:56   Congressional Record: June 25, 2003 (Senate)] [Page S8562-S8574] From the Congressional Record Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:cr25jn03-175] STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS ……………………………… By Mr. BROWNBACK (for himself and Mr. Kennedy): S. 1336. A bill to allow North Koreans to apply for refugee status […]

Highlights of the Subcommittee on Financial Management, the Budget, and International Security Committee on Governmental Affairs

Author: Karin Lee <karin@fcnl.org> Date: 21-May-2003 09:01:50   Subcommittee on Financial Management, the Budget, and International Security Committee on Governmental Affairs Hearing on Drugs, Counterfeiting, and Weapons Proliferation: The North Korean Connection Tuesday, May 20, 2003 2:00 p.m. SD-342 Dirksen Senate Office Building WITNESSES Mr. Andre Hollis; Deputy Assistant Secretary for Counter-Narcotics U. S. Department […]

Government seeks Durand Line pact review

By Shaukat Piracha ISLAMABAD: In major shift in Pakistan’s policy towards Afghanistan, the Government of Pakistan is thinking of re-negotiating the Durand Line Agreement with Afghanistan to secure its western borders from the movement of terrorists/remnants of the Taliban. Highly-placed official sources told Daily Times that the law-enforcement agencies have pointed out that the Durand […]

U.S. Musicians Visit North Korea

Author:  Alice Andrews <AAndrews@afsc.org> Date:  22-Apr-2003 13:28:08   This AFSC delegation just came back from DPRK without SARS related problems – Alice   Janis D. Shields, Director Media and Public Relations (215) 241-7060 After Hours: (302) 545-6596 John W. Haigis, Media Assistant, (215) 241-7056 For Immediate Release April 22, 2003 U.S. MUSICIANS VISIT NORTH KOREA […]

NDRC Nuclear Notebook: North Korea’s Nuclear Program

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, March/April 2003. North Korea has apparently become the world’s ninth nuclear power. Last November, the CIA estimated that Pyongyang has one, perhaps two, nuclear weapons. The North Korean crisis, as it has emerged over the past several months, is an extremely complex affair with implications that could drastically affect Asian security […]

Policy Area: China

Giving Lip Service with an Attitude: North Korea’s China Debate Alexandre Mansourov, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (APCSS), December 2003. The views of the author may not reflect the official positions of the APCSS, U.S. Government, or Department of Defense. Copyright APCSS 2003. Executive Summary • China’s influence in North Korea is grossly misrepresented and […]

The Park Chung Hee Model as Textbook for Kim Jong-II

(Monthly Chosun), January 2003, Special Issue: (Great changes on the Korean peninsula), pp. 185-213. Interviewed by Kim Yong sam, associate director and edited by Lee Se yeon, reporter. O Wonchol is a former senior economic advisor to Park Chung Hee and architect of South Korea’s heavy and chemical industrialization in the 1960s and 1970s. – […]