March 2: Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing: The North Korean Nuclear Calculus: Beyond the Six Power Talks

Author: Karin Lee <> Date: 25-Feb-2004 06:19:26   East Asia Policy Education Project FCNL Education Fund Korea Update 245 Second Street NE, Washington, DC 20002-5795 phone: (202) 547-6000 ext. 110  fax: (202) 547-6019 email:    web site: The North Korean Nuclear Calculus: Beyond the Six Power Talks ——————————————————————————– HEARING before the COMMITTEE […]

North Korean Nuclear Weapons: How soon an Arsenal?

Nuclear Weapons The US has been concerned about North Korea’s desire for nuclear weapons and has assessed since the early 1990s that the North has one or possibly two weapons using plutonium it produced prior to 1992. In 1994, P’yongyang halted production of additional plutonium under the terms of the US-DPRK Agreed Framework. We have […]

The North Korea Deadlock: A Report from the Region

Jack Pritchard, former Bush administration special envoy for negotiations with the DPRK, co-sponsored by the Brookings Institution’s Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies (CNAPS) and the Asia Society Washington Center, and held at Brookings, January 15, 2004. CHARLES L. “JACK” PRITCHARD: Now, before I give you some of my impressions, let me just set a […]

Humanitarian: Agency Matrix

AGENCY WHAT SECTOR1 WHERE FUNDING SOURCES2 Contact Details Adventist Development Relief Association (ADRA), Switzerland Non-Food Items Health & Nutrition Food Baby homes, Orphanages and paediatric Hospital/Ward in North and South Hwanghae, Kaesong, Nampo, Pyongyang, Kangwon and South Pyongan. Church organizations Germany Private Donation Switzerland Mr. Marcel Wagner Country Director T: +8502-3817952 F: +8502-3817952 Campus […]

Senator Biden’s Congressional Record comments on North Korea — on the occassion of introducing S. Res 256

Author:  Stephen Winn Linton <> Date:  06-Nov-2003 16:33:44 Dear Karin,   Thanks for sending this and keep up the good work!   Linton —– Original Message —– From: Karin Lee To: Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 3:32 AM Subject: Senator Biden’s Congressional Record comments on North Korea — on the occassion of introducing S. […]

Military Construction Appropriations and Relocation of U.S. Forces in Korea

Author:  Karin Lee <> Date:  05-Nov-2003 10:40:19   Relevant sections of the Conference Report, as printed in the November 4 Congressional Record, below     Congressional Record: November 4, 2003 (House)] [Page H10253-H10281] From the Congressional Record Online via GPO Access [] [DOCID:cr04no03-100]   CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 2559, MILITARY CONSTRUCTION APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2004 Mr. […]

The Hidden Gulag

Author:  Lee Wheeler <> Date:  30-Oct-2003 07:14:53   Karin,   Thanks for the interesting and scary report.  I read one of the refugees’ book, Aquariums of Pyongyang while in South Korea last month and I could easily that being true in North Korea.  I could almost sense the presence of some of those gulags in […]

NLR September 9, 2003

Author:  Lee Wheeler <> Date:  29-Sep-2003 14:37:13 Harry Barnes, I just returned from 10 days in DPRK and a week in ROK with Mennonite Central Committee.  I see you are heading there in late October.  Things continue to improve and open on many fronts.  It had been almost 1 year since I was last in. […]

Introduced in the House: H. R. 3137 A Bill “To prohibit assistance or reparations to Cuba, Libya, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. “

Author:  Karin Lee <> Date:  26-Sep-2003 02:51:50   FYI   HR 3137 IH 108th CONGRESS1st Session H. R. 3137 To prohibit assistance or reparations to Cuba, Libya, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Syria. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES September 17, 2003 Mr. WEINER introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on […]

DOD News Release: Remains of U.S. Servicemen Recovered in North Korea

Author:  Karin Lee <> Date:  25-Sep-2003 21:02:54 United States Department of Defense News Release On the web: DOD News Release: Remains of U.S. Servicemen Recovered in North Korea Media contact: or +1 (703) 697-5131 Public contact: or +1 (703) 428-0711 Immediate Release  —  No. 698-03  —  September 24, 2003 REMAINS OF […]