APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, December 14, 2006

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"APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, December 14, 2006", APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, December 14, 2006, https://nautilus.org/apsnet/apsnet-for-20061214/

APSNet for 20061214

Austral Peace and Security Network (APSNet)

Twice weekly report from the Nautilus Institute at RMIT, Australia.

Thursday 14 December 2006

  1. Papuan Artists ‘Rejected by Security Pact’
  2. Britain: Troop Shortages ‘A Clear Danger’
  3. Saudis Say they Might Back Sunnis if US Leaves Iraq
  4. Afghanistan: One War We Can Still Win
  5. Aceh: Irwandi Ready to Cooperate with Jakarta
  6. Pacific Plan Updated
  7. Experts Explode Ziggy’s Nuclear Power Theory
  1. Papuan Artists ‘Rejected by Security Pact’, Melissa Jenkins, Australian, 2006-12-12

    A Papuan dance troupe has been refused entry into Australia. Roger King said DIMA refused the group’s visa applications twice. The second refusal was purportedly on the grounds the troupe had insufficient incentive to return to Indonesia. A Department of Immigration (DIMA) spokesman said there was no connection between the rejection of the Papuans’ visa applications and the Australia-Indonesia security cooperation treaty.


  2. Troop shortages ‘a clear danger’, BBC, 2006-12-13

    A shortage of troops and equipment could compromise British military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, lawmakers said. The military is struggling to recruit, train and keep staff, while their work is expanding, a report by an influential parliamentary panel said.

  3. Saudis Say they Might Back Sunnis if US Leaves Iraq, Helene Cooper, New York Times, 2006-12-13

    Saudi Arabia has told the Bush administration that it might provide financial backing to Iraqi Sunnis in any war against Iraq’s Shiites if the US pulls its troops out of Iraq, according to American and Arab diplomats.

  4. One War We Can Still Win, Anthony H. Cordesman, NYT, 2006-12-13

    There is a very real risk that the US and NATO will lose their war with Al Qaeda, the Taliban and the other Islamist movements fighting the Afghan government. Declassified intelligence shows that major Al Qaeda, Taliban, Haqqani Network and Hezb-i-Islami sanctuaries exist in Pakistan, and that the areas they operate in within Afghanistan have increased fourfold over the last year.

  5. Irwandi Ready to Cooperate with Jakarta, TempoInteractive, 2006-12-13

    The anticipated winning candidate for the Governor of Aceh from the Aceh Freedom Movement (GAM), Irwandi Yusuf, has denied that his victory will be made use of to liberate Aceh. “Now, it is not the time for taking about the conflict of the past since peace recently came to Aceh,” he said.

  6. Pacific Plan Updated, Pacific Magazine, 2006-12-13

    The Pacific Plan has now been revised in line with its status as a ‘living’ document, responding to the region’s challenges and emerging priorities. Leaders committed their Governments to implement and report on the Plan and to ensure that national policies and mechanisms on regionalisms are in place by the 2007 Forum Meeting.

  7. Experts Explode Ziggy’s Nuclear Power Theory, Katharine Murphy, Age, 2006-12-12

    A panel of eminent scientists has contradicted a central finding of the nuclear review commissioned by John Howard, declaring it unrealistic that Australia could have nuclear power plants within 10 years. The review team, led by Jim Peacock, concludes that the Switkowski report “under-estimates the challenge that will confront Australia if it should choose to expand the scope of its nuclear activities”.


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