- Adaptation Actions for Local Governments – Australia
- Investigating the Effects of Urbanization – Atlanta Region
- Conceptual Framework of Vulnerability
- Swiss Agricultural Production Risk and Adaptation – Modelling
- LDCs and SIDS Require International Community’s Attention
- Adaptation Skills for Professionals – Small Grants Programme
1. Adaptation Actions for Local Governments – Australia
The report provides a framework for Australian local governments to identify the appropriate adaptation responses for their potential level of risk. It identifies potential climate change adaptation options for each local government sector. The report complements Climate Change Impacts & Risk Management – A Guide for Business and Government, released in May 2006.
Climate Change Adaptation Actions for Local Government, SMEC Australia,Australian Greenhouse Office, Department of the Environment and Water Resources, Commonwealth of Australia, 2007
2. Investigating the Effects of Urbanization – Atlanta Region
The study uses Weather Research Forecasting (WRF-version 2.2) model to simulate convective precipitation characteristics over the Atlanta region. It quantifies the effects of urbanization on convective rainfall over the region. The study indicates that the temporal and spatial evolution of the convective systems in the Atlanta region is modified by increased urbanization.
Investigating the Relationship between Urban Landuse and Precipitating Convective Systems over the Atlanta Region, Willis O. Shem and J.M.Shepherd, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, September 2007 [PDF]
3. Conceptual Framework of Vulnerability
The paper presents a generally applicable conceptual framework of vulnerability that combines a nomenclature of vulnerable situations and a terminology of vulnerability concepts. It applies this framework to discuss the conceptualization of vulnerability in the main schools of vulnerability research. The paper facilitates bridging the various approaches to researching vulnerability to climate change.
Vulnerability: A Generally Applicable Conceptual Framework for Climate Change Research, Hans-Martin Füssel, Global Environmental Change, Vol. 17, 2007 [PDF]
4. Swiss Agricultural Production Risk and Adaptation – Modelling
The paper uses a modelling approach that combines predicted climate-plant relationships and an economic model. It shows that simple adaptation measures such as changes in seeding dates, changes in production intensity and adoption of irrigation farming generate positive effects of climate change for corn and winter wheat production at the Swiss Plateau.
Modelling Agricultural Production Risk and the Adaptation to Climate Change, Robert Finger and Stephanie Schmid, ETH Zurich, Munich Personal RePEc Archive (MPRA), July 2007 [PDF]
5. LDCs and SIDS Require International Community’s Attention
The report considers how the least developed countries (LDCs) and small Island developing states (SIDS)will be impacted by climate change. It reviews what is currently being done about the issue and charts some areas of further development (national and international level) for the near and longer term future.
The Impact of Climate Change on Least Developed Countries and Small Island Developing States, United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, United Nations, New York, June 2007 [PDF]
6. Adaptation Skills for Professionals – Small Grants Programme
Small grants (up to a total of $ 2 million) are available for Australian tertiary education / training institutions and professional associations to revise or develop professional development and accreditation programmes in the way they build understanding and skills for adaptation to the impacts of climate change. The deadline for the first round of funding is December 03, 2007.
Climate Change Adaptation Skills for Professionals Programme, Australian Greenhouse Office, Department of Environment and Water Resources, Australian Government, Canberra, 2007
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AdaptNet is a free weekly report produced by RMIT University Global Cities Institute’s Climate Change Adaptation Working Group in partnership with the Australian Centre for Science, Innovation and Societyat Melbourne University, Australia.
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- View the archive: 2006; 2007.
For further information, please contact the editor, Saleem Janjua.