APEC & the Environment
Workshop: APEC and the Environment: Innovative Approaches to Trade and Environment in Asia-Pacific, October 18th, 1996, San Francisco, CA. These papers were prepared for the Trade and Environment Policy Project (TEPP) series – a collaboration between the Nautilus Institute, National Wildlife Federation, and the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE). (NOTE: starred (*) papers were published in the Journal of Environment and Development, vol. 6, no. 3, September 1997).
MORGAN, David G.
Building APEC’s Institutional Architecture
Crosscutting and Participatory Mechanisms for Sustainable Development, Some Preliminary Thoughts
Natural Resource Subsidies, Trade and Environment: The Cases of Forests and Fisheries*
Presents a conceptual framework for understanding subsidies in the natural resource sector; marshals the evidence that such subsidies harm the environment, focusing on the forest and fisheries sectors as case studies; examines the ways in which natural resource subisidies are being treated in various international fora, including APEC; and proposes ways to integrate the issue into APEC’s work program.
ISO 14,001 in the APEC Context: Uses, Limitations and Policy Alternatives*
Lessons of NAFTA for APEC*
ZARSKY, Lyuba & Jason HUNTER, Nautilus Institute
Environmental Cooperation at APEC: The First Five Years
Describes APEC’s work on environmental issues between 1993, when environmental issues moved into the mainstream of APEC, and 1997, when Environment Ministers will approve implementation of a regional “Action Programme.”
Trade & the Environment
Workshop on Trade and Environment in Asia-Pacific: Prospects for Regional Cooperation, September 23-25, 1994, Honolulu, HI. (Organised by Nautilus Institute and co-sponsored by the East-West Center and the Monterey Institute for International Studies.)
AKAHA, Tsuneo., Monterey Institute of International Studies
International Cooperation for the Sustainable Development of the Russian Far East
The Trade-Environment Nexus: Whence, Whither, Why and Wherefore
DRAKE-BROCKMAN, Jane and Kym ANDERSON, University of Adelaide
The Entwining of Trade Policy and Environmental Issues: Implications for APEC
FAIRBAIRN, Te’o, University of New South Wales
Pacific Islands Economies: Trade Patterns and Some Observations on Trade Policy Issues
FUAUVO, Vili, South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
Trade, Environment and Development in the Pacific Islands: the role of SPREP
HAN, Taek-Whan, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Northeast Asia Environmental Cooperation: Progress and Prospects
LOW, Linda, and Tay Boon NGA, National University of Singapore
Region-Building and the Environment: The Role of the PECC
PRIMAVERA, J. Honculada, Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center
Shrimp Farming in the Asia-Pacific: Environment and Trade Issues and Regional Cooperation
RAHIM, Khalid Abdul, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia
SOEGIARTO, Aprilani, The Indonesian Institute of Sciences-LIPI
Sustainable Fisheries, Environment and the Prospects of Regional Cooperation in Southeast Asia
TISDELL, Clem, University of Queensland
Tourism in the APEC Region and its promotion in an Ecologically Sound Way Through Regional Co-operation
YAMAMOTO, Wataru, Japan Development Institute (JDI)
Japanese Official Development Assistance and Industrial Environmental Management in Asia