The Nautilus Institute Goes Global
The Global Collaborative allows organizations to:
- Create a forum to explore strategies for addressing global problems in specific regions and issue areas and to identify the interrelations between these problems and the strategies for dealing with them.
- Utilize tools for global problem solving to be shared across cultural and political boundaries as to develop partnerships between those who are attempting to contribute to the solution of a global problem.
- Publish information and analyses on global problem solving strategies in variable formats.
- Draw attention to analysis and innovative thinking by disseminating information to a wider audience.
The Global Collaborative:
- Provides a Web portal that draws together organizations seeking to solve global problems.
- Allows contributors to build a full website without web skills.
- Provides mailing lists for those organizations who wish to send out regular newsletters to their members.
- Offers a private workgroup area where contributors can share files and other content, visible only to group participants. These workgroup areas can be used to work on private projects and include all the content features of the rest of the site.
- Allows organizations to control the access and editing rights that different members have, depending on their role in any given project.
- Provides a system that allows private pages to be published in a staged, controlled manner, as content is developed and approved for publication.
The Global Collaborative provides sophisticated web-based workspaces to organizations working on global problems.