Asian Energy Security Workshop 2005

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"Asian Energy Security Workshop 2005", Projects AESNet, May 16, 2005,

Asian Energy Security Workshop 2005

May 13th – 16th, 2005
Beijing, China


Datasets used to model energy paths in each of the countries of Northeast Asia as a part of the Asian Energy Security Project will be posted here as they are available. The datasets posted will be in Microsoft Excel format, and derived from the datasets used in the LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning) energy and environmental modeling system.

Additional datasets from AES project Working Groups will be made available here in Excel format over the coming months. Datasets for Japan and China, prepared previously under the AES project and its predecessor, the East Asia Energy Futures (EAEF) project, are available at

DPRK, Nautilus AES Input:

The first dataset posted here is for the Democratic Peoples’ Republic of Korea, prepared by Nautilus as input to the AES project. Excel workbooks are included for the Demand, Transformation, Resources, and Fuels portions of the LEAP datasets, with an additional workbook providing selected results from the DPRK energy paths model.

The Nautilus analysis of the DPRK energy sector on which the datasets are based has been most recently described in the reports

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