- DETERRENCE: Russia plans limited endorsement of Southeast Asian Nuke-Free Zone
- DPRK: Rare earths bankroll North Korea’s future
- ENERGY SECURITY: A bumpy road for nukes
- GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Anti-nuclear campaigners launch Japan’s first green party
- CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: The future we want, Rio+20 Outcome document
- AUSTRAL PEACE AND SECURITY: US wrong on China: Keating
See this week’s blog: Rowing between two reefs: China, the United States and containment revenant, from our Austral Peace and Security contributor, Richard Tanter.
DETERRENCE: Russia plans limited endorsement of Southeast Asian Nuke-Free Zone, Interfax, Global Security Newswire (27 July 2012)
Allowing nuclear-armed naval vessels or aerial systems from a separate power would nullify Russia’s pledges under the accord. Likewise, a state party would eliminate Russian commitments by permitting passage within its borders of nuclear weapons.
- Panetta’s Cam Ranh Bay visit symbolizes growing U.S.-Vietnam ties, Jim Garamone, American Forces Press Service (3 June, 2012)
- National legislative measures to further nuclear abolition, Rob van Riet, World Future Council (March 2012) [PDF, 0.7MB]
DPRK: Rare earths bankroll North Korea’s future, Leonid Petrov, Asia Times (8 August 2012)
North Korea has valuable Rare Earth Minerals (REM) deposits and may challenge a near Chinese monopoly on REM. Vietnam will send food aid to North Korea: several likely reasons including a North Korean leader visiting Vietnam, a humanitarian gesture and venue for Vietnam to establish a different dynamic in South China Sea discussions and a desire for a nuclear-free North Korea. South Korean discussed Operational Control transfer in December 2015.
- Vietnam to send 5000 tons of rice to North Korea, NHK World (6 August 2012)
- N. Korea’s power consumption per capita at 1970s levels, Yonhap News Agency (6 August 2012)
- ’Small CFC” proposal, The Korea Times, (6 August 2012)
ENERGY SECURITY: A bumpy road for nukes, Kennedy Maise, Power Magazine Blog (6 August 2012)
The CEO of GE now claims “It’s just hard to justify nuclear, really hard.” He probably figures there is no future for GE in the new nuclear market in the OECD. In the non-OECD markets, non-US suppliers will be formidable competitors, with strong support from their governments. GE may be better off servicing its existing nukes and otherwise focus on gas turbines, solar, and wind. The first nuclear era is over; the second still-born. Climate fanaticism is a dwindling hope.
- Mainstream rhetoric on nuclear power far from reality, Julio Godoy, Interpress News Service (1 August 2012)
- World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2012, Mycle Schneider and Antony Froggatt with Julie Hazemann (June 2012) [PDF, 5MB]
- The role of nuclear energy in a low-carbon energy future, OECD/NEA (June 2012) [PDF, 1.5MB]
- Nuke plant chief after tsunami: ‘This is serious’, Mari Yamaguchi, AP (6 August 2012)
GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Anti-nuclear campaigners launch Japan’s first green party, Justin McCurry, The Guardian (30 July 2012)
Anti-nuclear politicians and activists launched Japan’s first green party, offering a “viable alternative” to the two main parties, which are both still pro-nuclear. The largest protest to date was held July 29 in Tokyo, attracting about 200,000 participants, according to organizers. Prime Minister Noda has agreed to a meeting with protest leaders. A former DPJ leader pledged to abolish all nuclear plants within 10 years if elected.
- Antinuke demonstrators set their sights on Japan’s Diet building, Setsuko Kamiya and Mizuho Aoki, Japan Times (30 July 2012)
- Noda gives in, will meet leaders of anti-nuke protestors, Akira Minami, The Asahi Shimbun (4 August 2012)
- Ozawa pledges to suspend all nuclear plants within 10 years if elected, Adam Westlake, Japan Daily Press (3 August 2012)
CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: The future we want, Rio+20 Outcome document, Rio + 20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (19 June 2012)
The global nature of climate change calls for the widest possible cooperation by all countries and their participation in an effective and appropriate international response. In this regard UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) provides that Parties should protect the climate system for the benefit of present and future generations of humankind on the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities.
- Rio+20 brochure – the future we want, Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (June 2012) [PDF, 1.03MB]
- Realizing the future we want for all: report to the Secretary-General, UN System Task Team on the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda, UNDP (June 2012) [PDF, 1.53MB]
AUSTRAL PEACE AND SECURITY: US wrong on China: Keating, Greg Earl, Australian Financial Review (7 August 2012)
Former Prime Minister Paul Keating has broken with the Rudd-Gillard governments’ close alignment with the US to criticise Barack Obama’s approach to the relationship with China. Rejecting claims Australia had no choice but to back US rivalry against a rising China, he declared the US and Australia needed to recognise the legitimacy of the current Chinese government and its prerogatives as a great power. This underlines divisions within both sides of federal politics about how to manage growing tensions between the US and China.
- US must share power with China, Paul Keating, Sydney Morning Herald (7 August 2012)
- Power shift: Hugh White’s ‘The China choice’, Malcolm Turnbull, The Monthly (August 2012)
- Memo Stephen Smith: there are US bases in Australia and they are expanding, Richard Tanter, The Conversation (7 August 2012)
This Week’s Blog: Rowing between two reefs: China, the United States and containment revenant
by—Richard Tanter, NAPSNet Austral-Peace and Security, Contributor
This year’s Shangri-La Security Dialogue had all the hallmarks of a dialogue of the deaf. Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono keynote address put a strong case….
The Nautilus Peace and Security Weekly Report presents articles and full length reports each week in six categories: Austral security, nuclear deterrence, energy security, climate change and security, the DPRK, climate change adaptation and governance and civil society. Our team of contributors carefully select items that highlight the links between these themes and the three regions in which our offices are found—North America, Northeast Asia, and the Austral-Asia region. Each week, one of our authors also provides a short blog that explores these inter-relationships.
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- Austral Peace and Security: Richard Tanter