An Analysis of the United States Army Command and Control Organization in the Pacific Theater: World War II to 1983

NAPSNet Special Report

Recommended Citation

"An Analysis of the United States Army Command and Control Organization in the Pacific Theater: World War II to 1983", NAPSNet FOIA Document Special Reports, August 14, 2012,

Author/Editor: John L. Buckley
Publisher/Sponsor: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
Supplier: DTIC
Report Date: May 9, 1983
Document Number: AD B077057 L
Classification: Unclassified

Click here to read the full report.


This 1983 report by John L. Buckley “examines the need for reorganizing the United States Army command and control structure in the Pacific theater both to meet peacetime requirements and to ensure an effective transition to war. The investigation is focused on an analysis of historical experience, contemporary issues in the theater, and the results or the five most recent studies on the subject. The study postulates a detailed reorganization proposal, beginning with the establishment of a Northeast Asia Command.

Conclusions reveal that or the Army structure must be done in a joint context and must accommodate the sensitivities and complexities of both military and political requirements. The current structure, although workable, is not optimal to ensure a transition to regional, theater, or global war. Should an effective remedy not be applied before the outbreak of hostilities in the region, the price of transition will be expensive in both time and resources. That remedy should be in the form of a Northeast Asia Command.”

This report was released to the Nautilus Institute under the US Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

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