Examining North Korea’s Satellite Launch Vehicle

David Wright, co-director of the Union of Concerned Scientists’ (UCS) Global Security Program, notes that “between April 4 and April 8 North Korea will attempt to place a satellite into space using the Unha-2 launcher. While some have characterized this as a ballistic missile test, a successful satellite launch wouldn’t necessarily demonstrate the ability to launch a nuclear warhead to intercontinental range. Modifications to increase the capability of the launcher pose both material and manufacturing challenges that North Korea may have yet to overcome.”

NAPSNet Daily Report 2 April, 2009

Policy Forum 09-026: Not an Impeccable Argument

Mark J. Valencia, a maritime policy analyst based in Kaneohe, Hawaii, writes, “US government arguments and immediate follow up actions regarding the incident seem to constitute a ‘might makes right’ approach that only increases the damage being done to the US image in Asia. Real change is needed in US maritime diplomacy in Asia and elsewhere.”

NAPSNet Daily Report 1 April, 2009

Policy Forum 09-025: DPRK Trip Report February 24-28th, 2009

Paul Carroll, Program Director at the Ploughshares Fund, writes, “Depending on how the U.S. responds to any DPRK action, as well as our partners in the region, we may be in for rough stretch of road for some time. The alternative could be that if the responses are creative and bold, we may just be able to snatch some victory from the jaws of defeat and make some progress toward the goals of denuclearizing the peninsula and transforming the regional security situation.”

NAPSNet Daily Report 31 March, 2009

NAPSNet Daily Report 30 March, 2009

NOTAM: Impact Zones for the DPRK Satellite Launch

This is the full Notice to Mariners (NOTAM) for the anticipated DPRK satellite launch. The first impact zone is in the East Sea/Sea of Japan while the second is in the Pacific Ocean. The anticipated path of the launch is within 100 kilometers of the Rokkasho Nuclear Power Plant in Japan.

NAPSNet Daily Report 26 March, 2009