NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 24 January, 2000

United States 1. US Security Strategy The United States Commission on National Security/21st Century, co- chaired by former US Senators Gary Hart and Warren Rudman, released the first of three planned papers on US Security for the coming century. The paper attempts to describe the world emerging in the first quarter of the next century. […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 21 January, 2000

DPRK 1. DPRK Nationals in PRC The ROK government and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) continue to make protests to the PRC government over the deportation of seven DPRK nationals whom the UNHCR classified as refugees. The PRC maintains that the seven are simply illegal immigrants undeserving of any special status. “DPRK Nationals […]

NAPSNET Weekly FLASH Update 14 January, 2000

UNITED STATES 1. US Nonproliferation Policy In a talk at the National Press Club on January 6, US National Security Advisor Sandy Berger discussed US nonproliferation goals and foreign policy goals. John Holum, the US under secretary of state for arms control and international security, held a press conference on January 12 to discuss the […]

Weekly Report 14 June 1999

Nautilus Director: Latest Korea Naval Standoff Likely To Be Defused June 16, 1999 Nautilus Co-Executive Director Peter Hayes tells Ted Clark on National Public Radio’s All Things Considered that the ROK (South Korea) is under pressure to show “backbone” in dealing with the DPRK (North Korea), but there are signs of de-escalation.    Nautilus Receives […]