NAPSNET Week in Review 23 November, 2001

Koreas 1. DPRK Biological Weapons The US on Monday accused Iraq, the DPRK, and possibly Iran of violating the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention banning weapons of germ warfare and said Syria and Libya might be able to produce biological weapons. ROK Defense Minister Kim Dong-shin said that the DPRK has amassed an arsenal of biochemical […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 16 November, 2001

Koreas 1. Inter-Korean Relations Inter-Korean talks aimed at reviving reconciliation broke off without a deal on November 14, with the DPRK blaming the ROK of provoking it by putting its forces on alert. The ROK media on Thursday intensified their criticisms of ROK President Kim Dae-Jung’s policy and chastised the DPRK for the talks’ failure. […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 9 November, 2001

Korea 1. Inter-Korean Ministerial Talks Inter-Korean minister talks opened Friday with the two countries showing a sharp divide over the ROK anti-terror security measures. The DPRK opened talks blaming the ROK for the stalemate. According to ROK media reports, ROK Unification Minister Hong Soon-young, head of a five-member delegation to the inter-Korean talks in Mount […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 2 November, 2001

Korea 1. Inter-Korean Talks The ROK accepted a DPRK proposal for dialogue at Mount Kumgang. The DPRK earlier warned that military exercises near Seoul had made the atmosphere for talks “complicated.” The ROK proposed that the Cabinet meeting take place on November 9-12, but the DPRK has yet to respond. ROK Unification Minister Hong Soon-young […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 26 October, 2001

Koreas 1. Inter-Korean Talks The DPRK notified the ROK that it would suspend the meeting until the ROK accepts the DPRK’s request to hold the sixth inter-Korean meeting in its resort mountain of Kumgang. The ROK made a compromise proposal to the DPRK saying the two sides could hold ministerial talks, scheduled for October 28-31, […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 19 October, 2001

Korea 1. Reunion of Separated Families The DPRK on Friday postponed a scheduled reunion next week of 200 separated families in the two Koreas, citing ROK’s security alert following last month’s terrorist attacks in the US. ROK Unification Minister Hong Soon-young suggested on October 18 that fear of the aftermath of the family exchange might […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 12 October, 2001

Koreas 1. Reunion of Separated Families ROK officials said the DPRK on Friday abruptly postponed a scheduled reunion of 200 separated family members until the ROK lifts its special alert status and creates a freer atmosphere for exchanges, citing a “warlike situation” in the ROK. They also called off a plan to send a taekwondo […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 5 October, 2001

Koreas 1. Mount Kumgang Talks The ROK proposed to the DPRK Thursday that a road across the Demilitarized Zone into Mount Kumgang be opened by the end of the year. The ROK also urged the DPRK to honor its earlier promise to designate the Mount Kumgang resort as a special tourism zone where ROK businesses […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 28 September, 2001

DPRK 1. DPRK and Anti-Terrorism US officials confirmed that the US may ask the DPRK to provide intelligence on terror groups in its probe into the recent attacks in the US. ROK officials said that the DPRK contacted the US immediately after the attacks, andthat the DPRK’s private communication was more strongly worded than its […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 21 September, 2001

Responses to US Retaliation 1. World Response to US Retaliation Many world leaders expressed concern on Friday over US President George W. Bush’s appeal to support a new war on terror. In the Middle East, even close US allies among Arab states face a dilemma in choosing how to respond. The PRC offered no immediate […]