NAPSNET Week in Review 25 April, 2003

United States 1. US Domestic Politics on DPRK Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld circulated to key members of the administration a Pentagon memorandum proposing a radically different approach: the US, the memo argued, should team up with the PRC to press for the ouster of the DPRK’s leadership. Rumsfeld’s team, administration officials said, was urging […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 11 April, 2003

Korean Peninsula 1. UN DPRK Talks The U.N. Security Council failed to reach agreement on Thursday on a common approach to confronting the DPRK for its plans to reactivate an atomic energy program capable of producing nuclear bombs. Facing stiff PRC and Russian opposition to U.N. action, the US, France and Britain temporarily ended their […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 4 April, 2003

Korean Peninsula 1. ROK Parliament on US-Led War on Iraq The ROK National Assembly has approved a government proposal to send 700 non-combatant troops to support the US-led war on Iraq. The vote was a victory for President Roh Moo-hyun, who had told parliament that the deployment was essential for pragmatic reasons. He said sending […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 31 March, 2003

United States 1. US on DPRK-ROK Talk Cancellations The US said it regretted the DPRK’s decision to cancel talks this week with the ROK, describing them as a useful. The DPRK suspended the economic and maritime talks on Saturday, billing the move as retaliation for what it said was the ROK’s high military state of […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 24 March, 2003

United States 1. Saddam Response to US Ultimatum A defiant Iraq rejected a US ultimatum giving President Saddam Hussein 48 hours to go into exile or face war, but the US warned bluntly it would invade no matter what. Military preparations gathered pace with nearly 300,000 US and British troops poised in the Gulf while […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 14 March, 2003

United States 1. US DPRK Regime Change US officials talk freely of regime change in Iraq, but not in the DPRK. US-based analysts, however, say some in the US believe the downfall of the DPRK government is the only path to fully dismantling its nuclear programs. For now, the US goal is to muster diplomatic […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 21 February, 2003

United States 1. Powell NE Asia Tour US Secretary of State Colin Powell is expected to travel to Japan, the PRC and the ROK this week for talks on the DPRK’s suspected nuclear weapons program, US officials said on Wednesday. The trip, which has yet to be formally announced by the State Department, is also […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 7 February, 2003

United States 1. UN DPRK Meeting The United Nations nuclear watchdog agency has decided to meet on February 12 to consider asking the UN Security Council to act against the DPRK, the head of the agency has said. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) wants the UN to consider what to do about the DPRK, […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 31 January, 2003

United States 1. UN Nuclear Agency Emergency Meeting An emergency board meeting of the U.N. nuclear monitoring agency likely will take place on February 12 to pass the DPRK nuclear crisis to the Security Council, the agency head said Friday. Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency, said he hoped the meeting […]

NAPSNET Week in Review 17 January, 2003

United States 1. US on DPRK Nuclear Situation US Assistant Secretary of State James Kelly, on a visit to the ROK, also reiterated the US’s willingness to hold talks with the DPRK, in spite of the DPRK’s statement on Friday that it was pulling out of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Kelly’s visit came amid […]