Jakarta Must Prevent the Escalation of Violence

September 7, 1999 This is the fifth in an ongoing series of articles on the crisis in East Timor. This article is by Donald K. Emmerson, a senior fellow at Stanford University’s Asia/Pacific Research Center. It originally appeared in the International Herald Tribune on September 6. ————————————— Jakarta Must Prevent the Escalation of Violence International […]

Press Release by US Senator Jack Reed, Democrat-Rhode Island

September 7, 1999 This is the sixth in an ongoing series of articles on the crisis in East Timor. This report is a statement from US Senator Jack Reed, Democrat-Rhode Island, who just returned from a trip to East Timor. ——————————— Press Release by US Senator Jack Reed, Democrat-Rhode Island Statement by Senator Jack Reed […]

World Media on East Timor, September 7, 1999

Tuesday, September 7, 1999, from Berkeley, California, USA The United States Information Agency (USIA) distributed the following digest of international media reports on the violence in East Timor. The digest includes items on PRC-Taiwan tensions, the expected DPRK missile test, and other regional security issues. The digest is comprised of an overall summary followed by […]

Japanese Nuclear Fuel Accident

Current Analysis Initial reports from wire services and Japanese sources indicate that the accident causing extensive evacuation in and around the town of Tokai in Japan was at a facility inside the Tokai Mura nuclear fuel fabrication facility. At this complex, plutonium is extracted and mixed with uranium oxide to make mixed oxide fuel. Nautilus […]

Civil Society and Clean Shared Growth in Asia: Towards a Stakeholder Model of Environmental Governance

Lyuba Zarsky CoDirector Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development DRAFT presented at The Outlook for Environmentally Sound Development Policies Workshop Organized by the U.S.-Asia Environmental Partnership (US-AEP) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Manila, Philippines August 2-3, 1999 1. Introduction:The financial and economic crises which swept East Asia in the late 1990s signaled the […]

The Domain of Environmental Cooperation in Northeast Asia 4-5 May 1995

I. Introduction The environment is emerging as a “motherhood” issue in Northeast Asia. In a region imbued with hostile legacies, the environment is a relatively neutral arena for discussion. Regional discussions about environmental issues promise beneficial security spin-offs, both by promoting the “habit of dialogue,” and by reducing the potential for explosive interstate environmental conflicts. […]

Collapse and Recovery of DPRK Economy

NORTHEAST ASIA PEACE AND SECURITY NETWORK ***** SPECIAL REPORT ***** March 4, 1999 The following are excerpts from a study on the DPRK economy by Marcus Noland of the Institute for International Economics; Sherman Robinson of the International Food Policy Research Institute; and Tao Wang of the Institute for International Economics. The authors attempted to […]

Havens, Halos and Spaghetti: Untangling the Evidence About the Relationship Between Foreign Investment and the Environment

February 1999 Table of Contents Executive Summary Full Paper Havens, Halos and Spaghetti: Untangling the Evidence About the Relationship Between Foreign Investment and the Environment Lyuba Zarsky Co-Director Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development presented at the Conference on Foreign Direct Investment and the Environment: OECD Environment Directorate The Hague, The Netherlands 28-29 January, […]

Havens, Halos and Spaghetti: Untangling the Evidence About the Relationship Between Foreign Investment and the Environment28-29 January, 1999

Executive Summary In the context of increasing globalisation of capital flows, the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the environment is a topic of hot debate. Environmentalists have argued that gaps in national environmental standards draw the dirtiest OECD industries to developing countries, creating “pollution havens” and propelling a global “race to the bottom” […]

OECD Relaunches Trade-Environment Debate

THE HAGUE, Netherlands, February 5, 1999 (ENS) – Global investment and environmental policies can and should be made mutually reinforcing, Donald Johnston, head of the Organisation for Economic and Cultural Development (OECD), stressed last week, at a conference held in The Hague, Netherlands. The Dutch government and the OECD, composed of 29 member industrialised nations, […]