NAPSNet Daily Report 03 March, 2000


I. United States

1. Implementation of Agreed Framework
2. Japanese Food Aid to DPRK
3. ROK Prisoner of War from Korean War
4. Taiwan Spying on PRC
5. US Military Study of PRC
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK-US Talks
2. Human Rights Report on DPRK
III. Japan 1. DPRK’s Suspected Abduction of Japanese Civilians
2. Japan’s Food Aid to DPRK
3. Japanese-PRC Relations
4. Japanese-PRC Fisheries Agreement
5. Japanese-ROK Relations
6. Japanese-Russian Relations

NAPSNet Daily Report 01 March, 2000


I. United States

1. DPRK Atomic Bomb Victims
2. Anniversary of March 1 Movement
3. US Troops in Japan
4. US Arms Sales to Taiwan
5. Taiwan Elections
6. PRC Military Posture
7. US-PRC Military Talks
8. PRC Policy toward Taiwan
9. US Media Views of PRC
10. PRC-Russia Talks
11. PRC Ratification of CTBT
II. People’s Republic of China 1. ROK-Japan-PRC Environmental Cooperation
2. PRC-US Military Talks
3. PRC-US Dispute on Human Rights
4. PRC Policy on Taiwan Issue
5. PRC-Russian Relations
6. PRC-Japanese Relations

NAPSNet Daily Report 28 February, 2000


I. United States

1. DPRK High-Level Visit to US
2. DPRK Missile Tests
3. ROK-DPRK Fishing Accord
4. US-PRC Military Talks
5. US Response to PRC White Paper
6. PRC View of US Intervention in Taiwan
7. Military Balance in Taiwan Straits
8. PRC Military Alert
9. PRC White Paper on Taiwan
10. Taiwan Election
11. US Missile Defense
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK-US Relations
2. US-ROK Policy Consultations
3. DPRK-Italy Relations
4. DPRK-UK Relations
5. DPRK-ROK Fishing Agreement

NAPSNet Daily Report 25 February, 2000


I. United States

1. Kazakhstan Fighter Sales to DPRK
2. Taiwan Military Posture
3. PRC Threat to US
4. PRC Human Rights
5. PRC, Russian Views of Missile Defense
6. US Policy toward Asia
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK Missile Research
2. DPRK Energy Shortage
3. ROK Four-way Diplomacy
4. DPRK-ROK Relations
5. DPRK-Indonesia Economic Cooperation
III. Japan 1. Japanese-DPRK Relations
2. Dalai Lama’s Visit to Japan
3. Nuclear Nonproliferation Symposium
4. India’s Policy toward CTBT

NAPSNet Daily Report 23 February, 2000


I. United States

1. DPRK Energy Shortage
2. US-ROK Policy Consultation
3. Korean War Massacre
4. PRC White Paper on Taiwan
5. US Reaction to PRC White Paper
6. Taiwan Reaction to PRC White Paper
7. Taiwan Military Purchases
8. PRC View of US Missile Defense
II. Republic of Korea 1. DPRK-KEDO Meeting
2. DPRK Defectors
3. Abduction of ROK Pastor in 1995
4. Attempted Defection of ROK Tourist
5. Mount Kumgang Tour
III. People’s Republic of China 1. ROK-PRC Relations
2. PRC-US Strategic and Security Consultation
3. Alleged PRC Missile Imports
4. White Paper on Taiwan Issue
5. PLA Air Force Construction
6. PRC Participation in G8

NAPSNet Daily Report 22 February, 2000


I. United States

1. Defection of DPRK Missile Expert
2. DPRK View of US Missile Defense
3. DPRK Defectors in PRC
4. PRC White Paper on Taiwan
5. US Response to PRC White Paper
6. Taiwan Response to PRC White Paper
7. Analysis of PRC White Paper
8. US-PRC Talks
9. PRC Military
10. PRC Participation in G8
11. US-Japan Talks
12. Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
II. Republic of Korea 1. Defection of DPRK Missile Expert
2. DPRK Defectors in PRC
3. DPRK-Japan Talks
4. DPRK-ROK Economic Cooperation
5. ROK Aid to DPRK
6. DPRK-ROK Cultural Exchanges
7. Kim Jong-il’s Alleged Slush Fund
8. ROK Naval Preparedness
9. Korean War Massacre
III. Russian Federation 1. Alleged DPRK-RF Missile Agreement
2. Defection of DPRK Missile Expert
3. RF Policies toward DPRK, Vietnam
4. DPRK Leader’s Birthday
5. ROK-RF Relations
6. RF-Japan Naval Contacts
7. PRC-Japan Cyberspace Confrontation
8. Cross-Straits Relations
9. PRC Membership in WTO