NAPSNet Daily Report 11 January, 2001


I. United States

1. Inter-Korean Talks
2. US Statement on No Gun Ri
3. US-China Policy
4. PRC Missile Sales
5. Cross-strait Relations
6. Sino-Indian Relations
II. Republic of Korea 1. Inter-Korean Shipping Agreement
2. DPRK-Canada Relations
3. Red Cross Talks
4. DPRK Production of Grain Crop
5. DPRK Food Situation
6. Family Reunion
7. ROK Aid to DPRK
III. Japan 1. Japanese-ROK History Issue
2. Japanese-ROK Policy Toward DPRK
3. Japanese Contingency Legislation
4. PRC View on Tension Reduction on Korean Peninsula
5. PRC View on Denuclearization of Northeast Asia
6. PRC View on PRC-US Relaitons
7. Prime Minister’s Visit to Russia
8. Japanese-US Security Cooperation
IV. Russian Federation 1. RF Strategic Nuclear Forces Development
2. RF Air Force Readiness Doubted
3. RF Navy Endangered
4. RF-PRC Friendship Treaty Discussed
5. RF Delivered Fighters to PRC
6. ROK Ambassador to RF on ROK-DPRK-RF Relations

NAPSNet Daily Report 08 January, 2001


I. United States

1. US-DPRK Relations
2. Kim Dae-jung’s US Visit
3. DPRK Economic Outlook
4. US Arms Sales to Taiwan
5. Cross-Straits Relations
II. Republic of Korea 1. US Policy towards DPRK
2. Korean War Peace Treaty
3. Inter-Korean Railway Project
4. Red Cross Talks
5. DPRK-Spain Relations
6. DPRK Singer to Perform in US
III. People’s Republic of China 1. DPRK’s Economic Reform
2. PRC Position on Role of UN
3. Mini-Three Links
4. Taiwan’s Mainland Policy
5. PRC-US Disputes on Macao
6. PRC-Iran Relations

NAPSNet Daily Report 02 January, 2001


I. United States

1. Clinton’s Visit to DPRK
2. US-DPRK Relations
3. DPRK Goals for New Year
4. ROK Goals for New Year
5. US-ROK SOFA Revision
6. PRC-Taiwan Trade Links
7. Taiwanese Views of “Mini-Links”
8. US Views of “Mini-Links”
9. Cross-Strait Relations
10. PRC-Russian Strategic Cooperation
II. Republic of Korea 1. ROK Foreign Policy
2. ROK Aid to DPRK
3. Alleged US Reconnaissance on DPRK
4. DPRK Goals for New Year
5. Inter-Korean Economic Talks
III. Japan 1. Japanese Policy toward DPRK
2. Pro-DPRK Credit Union in Japan
3. DPRK Population
4. Japanese-ROK Defense Exchange
5. Japanese-US Poll on Korean Peninsula
6. Japanese-US Security Relations
7. Poll on Japanese-US Relations
8. Japanese-US Poll on US, PRC and Japan
9. Prime Minister’s Visit to Russia
10. Japanese Intelligent Satellites
IV. People’s Republic of China 1. PRC Goals for New Century
2. PRC View on Clinton’s Visit to DPRK
3. Arms Control and Non-Proliferation

NAPSNet Daily Report 20 December, 2000


I. United States

1. Nogunri Incident
2. US Policy toward Taiwan
3. Alleged US-Japan Nuclear Agreement
II. Republic of Korea 1. US President’s Visit to DPRK
2. Inter-Korean Boxing Match
III. Russian Federation 1. RF-DPRK Consular Relations
2. DPRK-UK Normalization
3. ROK President’s Nobel Peace Prize
4. Korean War Massacre
5. RF-Japanese Fishing Agreement
6. PRC-Taliban Rapprochement
7. RF-US Consultations on Arms Trade
8. RF Air Force Training in Far East