NAPSNet Daily Report 11 August, 2003


I. United States

1. US DPRK Nuclear Talks Proposal
2. US-Japan-ROK DPRK Talks
3. ROK Anti-US Activists
4. US-PRC on DPRK Asylum Seekers
5. Japan on ‘Going Nuclear’
6. Japan Hiroshima Anniversary
7. Russia on Inter-Korean Talks
8. PRC on Yasukuni Shrine Visit
9. Japan on DPRK Kidnappings
10. PRC Domestic Politics
11. PRC Society
12. PRC on US Religious Rights Monitor Pullout
II. People’s Republic of China 1. Relations Across Taiwan Straits
2. DPRK Nuke Talks
3. PRC-Japan Relations
4. PRC’s Commentary on Japan’s Defense White Paper
5. PRC’s Commentary on DPRK Nuke Talks
6. DPRK-ROK Relations
7. DPRK Criticizes US-ROK Drills
8. SCO Joint Exercise
9. Sino-Russian Ties
10. Russia Terrorism Attack

NAPSNet Daily Report 08 August, 2003


I. United States

1. US-Japan-ROK DPRK Pre-Meetings
2. Powell on DPRK Non-Aggression Pact
3. Japan Nuclear Arsenal Development
4. PRC on Taiwan UN Bid
5. US Military on ROK Anti-US Radicals
6. ROK-DPRK Maritime Warning Shots
7. ROK Chung Mong-hun Last Respects
8. ROK Domestic Economy
9. US-PRC Religious Freedom
10. PRC Environmental Satellites
11. Japan Wedding Traditions
II. Japan 1. Terrorism on Koreans in Japan
2. Japan Iraq Troop Deployment
3. Japan New Defense Administrative Vice Minister
4. US on PRC Missiles
5. US Bases in Japan

NAPSNet Daily Report 05 August, 2003


I. United States

1. Japan Defense Agency Annual Report
2. US-Japan Mutual Assistance Treaty
3. Taiwan on US PRC Missile Report
4. Taiwan Defense Spending
5. Yang Jianli Trial
6. Japan Domestic Politics
7. PRC-ROK Relations
8. Inter-Korean Relations
9. DPRK Hyundai Tycoon Death Accusation
10. ROK Domestic Politics Corruption
11. Russia in Asian Arms Market
12. DPRK-PRC Border Trade Resumption
II. Japan 1. Japan-US Energy Talk
2. US Bases in Japan
3. LDP Presidential Election
4. Japan-Iraq Oil Deal
5. Hiroshima A-Bomb Timing
6. US H-Bomb Test on Bikini Atoll in 1954

NAPSNet Daily Report 04 August, 2003


I. United States

1. DPRK on Bolton as ‘Human Scum’
2. US Response to ‘Human Scum’ Comment
3. Armitage on DPRK Kim Jong Il
4. Powell on DPRK Diplomacy
5. DPRK on Nuclear Talks
6. DPRK UN Talks Warning
7. Pentagon Nuclear Arms Private Meetings
8. US-Japan Multilateral DPRK Nuclear Inspection Team
9. US PRC Dissident Trial
10. PRC-Hong Kong Relations
11. DPRK Domestic Politics
II. People’s Republic of China 1. PRC’s Stance on Diaoyu and Taiwan Islands
2. DPRK Nuke Issue
3. PRC-US Talks
4. PRC’s Commentary on the Peace of the Korean Peninsula
5. PRC’s Commetary on Relations Across Taiwan Straits
6. Japan’s Security Measures
7. PRC’s Commentary on Japan’s Security Measures
8. US-PRC Relations on Taiwan Issue
9. Russian Stance on DPRK Issue
III. Japan 1. Tariff on Imported Beef
2. Japan-DPRK Relations over Abduction Issue
3. Multilateral Talks on DPRK Nuclear Problem
4. Defectors from DPRK
5. Japan-Peru Relations over Former Peru President
6. Japan-PRC Relation over Train System

NAPSNet Daily Report 31 July, 2003


I. United States

1. US Bolton on DPRK ‘Hellish Nightmare’
2. DPRK Agreement to Multilateral Talks
3. US Response to DPRK Multilateral Talk
4. US on PRC Missile Build-Up
5. PRC-Russia Space Arms Ban
6. US Nuclear Weapons Watchdog Disbandment
7. Japan Energy Crisis
8. Japan DPRK Asylum Seekers
9. PRC US Rights Activist Trial
10. US-Australia Terrorist Intelligence Confusion
II. Japan 1. Japan’s Safeguard Measure
2. Roles of SDF in Iraqi Reconstruction
3. DPRK Diplomacy under the Armistice Agreement
4. Japan Iraq Troop Deployment
5. SDF Permanent Legislation
6. Japan-Australia Relations
7. Japan ODA Guideline
8. Japan Spent Nuclear Fuel