APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, December 1, 2005

  1. Minister Clears The Air On A Post-Kyoto World
  2. Coalition MPs Back New Laws
  3. Senators Tinker At The Edges Of Draconian Laws
  4. More Police Power ‘Could Boost Terror’
  5. ASIO Censorship Riles MPs
  6. Intelligence Community ‘Needs Reform’
  7. Army Restructuring On Cards
  8. $25m Upgrade For Army Choppers
  9. Troops May Get New Iraq Mission
  10. Two Fijians Out Of Bougainville
  11. NT Nuclear Waste Dump Gets Thumbs Up
  12. Government Lied To Cover Up War Crimes In 1975 Invasion Of Island

New Zealand Chemical Warfare

A history of New Zealand Chemical Warfare 1845 – 1945, by Owen Wilkes, August 1993. Republished by Nautilus Institute, 17 November 2005. ISSN 0114-9199. ISBN 0-908881-06-1.

Toxic bases in the Pacific

Radioactive and toxic chemical dumps in the Pacific: Wake Island, Johnston Atoll, Saipan and the Northern Marianas, Guam, The Philippines, Hao, Moruroa and Fangataufa. Written by Nic Maclellan. First published in 2000 by Pacific News Bulletin, PCRC, Suva, Fiji.

APSNet for 20051117

APSNet for 20051117 Austral Peace and Security Network (APSNet) Thursday 17 November 2005 Bi-weekly report from the Nautilus Institute at RMIT, Australia. Aussie In US Spy Scandal Donald Rumsfeld: Our Ties Could Not Be Firmer Troops In Iraq Longer: Hill Case Against The Sydney Accused Sham Poll Sealed Papua’s Fate, Study Finds OPCW Extends National […]