Appendix 6 Publications Relating to APEC and the Environment

Appendix 6 Publications Relating to APEC and the Environment Yuko Arayama and Teru Miyanaga, “Economic Growth and Environment in APEC Countries: The Effects of Technological Progress on Consumption, Capital and Environment” Nagoya University, Japan, 1996. Available online at: Yuko Arayama and Fumio Yoshino, “Economic Growth and Environment in APEC Countries: Environment Protection in Malaysia […]


Mekong River Basin Development Issues ____________________________________________________________________ The material that follows has been provided by People and the Planet Must the Mekong die? The 4,200-kilometre Mekong River is the life-blood of Southeast Asia. Fed by melting snow on the Tibetan Himalayas and by monsoon rain, the river nourishes millions of lives from Southern China, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia […]

Water Resources and Management in the 21st Century 12.13.95

Mekong River Basin Development Issues ____________________________________________________________________ Water Resources and Management in the 21st Century by Mohamed T. El-Ashry Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Global Environment Facility The Third Princess Chulabhorn Science Congress Water and Development: Water Is Life Bangkok, Thailand December 13, 1995 Since the beginning of time, water has been shaping the face of the Earth, […]


Policy Report November 6, 1995 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in Year Seen Osaka Summit: A Time of Reckoning Robert A. Manning and Paula Stern   APEC’s credibility will be tested when topleaders gather in Osaka, Japan in mid-Novemberfor its annual meetings. After six years ofworking advisory groups, visions, blueprints,agendas, and action plans, APEC has had […]

Citizens Conference on Trade and the Environment: Towards the APEC Osaka Meetings 11.1995

From: Peoples’ Forum 2001 Citizens Conference on Trade and the Environment: Towards the APEC Osaka Meetings The establishment of the WTO in January this year will further accelerate the global trend towards greater liberalization of trade and investment. Within the Asia-Pacific region, a commitment to economic liberalization is demonstrated by the Bogor Declaration which was […]

The Gender Dimension in Environment and Development Policy: The Southeast Asian Experience 10.22.95

Regional Environmental Issues ____________________________________________________________________ The Gender Dimension in Environment and Development Policy: The Southeast Asian Experience by Dr Vivienne Wee Programme Director, Engender (with the assistance of Aileen Kwa) Paper prepared for the Northeast Asia – Southeast Asia Consultation on Development and Environment Bangkok, Thailand October 20 – 22, 1995 Engender Centre for Environment, Gender […]

CAMBODIA’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE: A Contribution to the Study of Cambodia’s Economy Aug. 1995

Mekong River Basin Development Issues ____________________________________________________________________ CAMBODIA’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE: A Contribution to the Study of Cambodia’s Economy Sophal Ear Department of Economics University of California, Berkeley Ronald E. McNair Scholar Academic Achievement Division 2515 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94720 Tel: (510) 642-7935, FAX: (510) 642-7129 E-mail: URL: August 1995 CONTENTS Preface and […]

Fixing What’s Broke with APEC 6.23.95

  Fixing What’s Broke with APEC: First Steps Toward a Sustainable Development Plan That Can Be Adopted at the November 1995 Osaka Minister’s Meeting     A National Wildlife Federation Trade and Environment Report June 23, 1995   Stewart Hudson, Senior Legislative Representative Rodrigo Prudencio, Trade and Environment Specialist Richard Forrest, East Asia Representative   […]

Fixing What’s Broke with APEC

Fixing What’s Broke with APEC: First Steps Toward a Sustainable Development Plan That Can Be Adopted at the November 1995 Osaka Minister’s Meeting A National Wildlife Federation Trade and Environment Report June 23, 1995 Stewart Hudson, Senior Legislative Representative Rodrigo Prudencio, Trade and Environment Specialist Richard Forrest, East Asia Representative Working for the Nature of […]


Regional Environmental Issues ____________________________________________________________________ ACID RAIN IN A REGIONAL CONTEXT Peter Hayes and Lyuba Zarsky June 13-15/95 Paper presented to Policy Seminar: The Role of Science and Technology in Promoting Environmentally Sound Development Science and Technology Policy Institute/UN University Seoul, Republic of Korea Note: this text refers to 19 overheads which are graphics not contained […]