‘The man who saved the world: remembering Des Ball’, Late Night Live, Radio National, ABC, 17 October 2016.
Rare human’s compassion for all beyond brotherhood – Obituary: David Horace Ford Scott, AO, Activist, 23-1-1925 – 24-2-2012, The Age, 1 May 2012
‘In memory of Herb Feith‘ November 2001.
Revisiting the Scott-Tanter secret 1978 assessments on the state of the East Timor campaign in Australia and on the question of FRETILIN negotiations‘, International Workshop Solidarity with Timor-Leste struggle for Self-determination, Actors, Institutions, Contexts, 16 a 19 de maio de 2022, Fundação Oriente, em cujo Museu do Oriente, Lisboa [v.3, updated 1 July 2022]. [Presentation and materials]