APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, March 22, 2007

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"APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, March 22, 2007", APSNet Semi-Weekly Bulletin, March 22, 2007, https://nautilus.org/apsnet/apsnet-for-20070322/

APSNet for 20070322

Austral Peace and Security Network (APSNet)

Twice weekly report from the Nautilus Institute at RMIT, Australia.

Thursday 22 March 2007

  1. Iraq and the Broader Security Implications
  2. Afghanistan: A Long Hot Summer
  3. Election Year: A Turbulent Time for Apolitical Chiefs
  4. Australia: Northern Warriors
  5. Indonesian Navy Seizes Three Chinese Ships
  6. East Timor Decides 2007
  7. Hundreds of Papuans Demand Employment in Timika
  8. HIV/AIDS: The looming Asia Pacific Pandemic
  9. Getting the Basics Right: Water and Sanitation in South East Asia and the Pacific

  1. Iraq and the Broader Security Implications, John Howard, ABC, 2007-03-21 [transcript, primary source, PDF]

    “I am not asking Australians to discount the enormous difficulties in Iraq or to change their views about the original decision. I am asking them to consider the situation we now face and the stakes involved”, said Prime Minister John Howard. “What Iraq and her people need now is time, not a timetable.”

  2. A Long Hot Summer, Bill Maley and Daoud Yaqub, Lowy Institute Policy Brief, March 2007 [PDF]

    This paper explores the implications of the looming Taliban Spring offensive on the international reconstruction and security effort in Afghanistan. It argues that a more aggressive posture by Coalition forces toward the Taliban and more concerted international pressure on Pakistan is needed to ensure that Afghanistan does not once again become a safe haven for international terrorist organisations.

  3. Election Year: A Turbulent Time for Apolitical Chiefs, Geoffrey Barker, AFR*, 2007-03-22

    In this election year the 6.6 per cent [of Australia’s frontline defence force] facing deployment can expect to be in serious harm’s way – especially in Afghanistan. But of greater significance to Australia’s long-term national security are the closely related issues of the major defence equipment acquisitions now under way and the long-term sustainability of the already generous and growing defence budget.
    * Subscription required.


  4. Northern Warriors, Army-the Soldiers’ Newspaper (11:61), 2007-03-08

    Sightings of foreign fishing vessels poaching from waters off Australia’s Top End have dropped 40 per cent in the past two years. Much of this success is thanks to remote and long-range patrolling by Norforce soldiers. Mostly indigenous, Norforce patrolmen guard more than 10,000km of coastline using a combination of traditional hunting skills and contemporary military training.

  5. Indonesian Navy Seizes Three Chinese Ships, Jakarta Post, 2007-03-22

    The Indonesian Navy has seized three Chinese fishing boats, which illegally caught fish in Indonesian waters, a navy official says. Spokesman of the Indonesian Navy’s East Fleet Lt. Toni Syaiful said an Indonesian warship had to release warning shots to stop the three Chinese ships, which tried to escape to Australian waters.


  6. East Timor Decides 2007, ABC, 2007-03-15 [print and audio]

    The nation votes in its second presidential election on April 9 2007. Internal party political issues, armed rebel forces and a population in fear are threatening to derail the process. The campaigning is scheduled to begin on March 23 2007. This site includes links to: the issues, the people, and the candidates.


  7. Joint Hundreds of Papuans Demand Employment in Timika, Markus Makur, Jakarta Post, 2007-03-21

    At least 400 job-seekers from the Amungme and Kamoro tribes staged a rally in front of the Memangkawai Mining Institute office in Mimika regency, Papua, demanding that they be given priority for employment in local projects. Based on Papua’s special autonomy law, indigenous people should be given priority for recruitment at the company.


  8. HIV/AIDS: The looming Asia Pacific Pandemic, Bill Bowtell, Lowy Institute, 2007-03-22 [PDF]

    There is a need to double global funding and to radically overhaul strategies that have not brought the global pandemic under control. The international community must commit itself to the eradication of HIV/AIDS by the end of the 21st century. Australia is well placed to increase its already significant contribution to the fight against HIV/AIDS in the region, and especially in the south Pacific and Melanesia.

  9. Getting the Basics Right: Water and Sanitation in South East Asia and the Pacific, World Vision and WaterAid Australia, March 2007 [PDF]

    This paper is a contribution to the debate on how best to direct Australia’s investments to meet our objective of reducing poverty and achieving sustainable development. The paper suggests that a focus on domestic water and sanitation is critical and will contribute significantly to poverty reduction in the region.


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