APSNet for 20060515
Austral Peace and Security Network (APSNet)
Bi-weekly report from the Nautilus Institute at RMIT, Australia.
Monday 15 May 2006
- Canberra, Manila Fight Terrorism
- A Seasonal Guest-Worker Program for Australia?
- It’s the Region, Stupid: Defence Assets Overstretched
- Diggers Battle Afghan Hell
- Problem of Papuan Refugees
- Indonesia Joins Iran in Nuclear Dream
- Troops on Standby for Timor Strife
- China – A Test of Mateship
- Special Report: North Korea and Financial Sanctions
Canberra, Manila Fight Terrorism, John Kerin, AFR*, 2006-05-11
Philippines Defence Minister Avelino Cruz said that the countries would soon sign a security pact allowing Australian troops to help Filipino troops tackle terrorist groups in the country’s southern province of Mindanao. Parts of Mindanao are under the control of terrorist group Abu Sayyaf.
* Subscription required-
Mindanao the weakest link in war on terror, Kit Collier and Malcolm Cook, Australian, 2006-05-08
Philippines: Militant Islamic Converts and Terrorism, International Crisis Group, 2005-12-19
A Seasonal Guest-Worker Program for Australia?, Adrienne Millbank, Information and Research Services, Parliamentary Library (via APO site) 2006-05-06
Calls have intensified in recent years for Australia to introduce a seasonal guest-worker program of unskilled or low-skilled workers from the Pacific region. Adrienne Millbank surveys the main arguments.
It’s the Region, Stupid, Glen Milne, Australian, 2006-05-15
The Prime Minister is vulnerable to a national security attack from Labour from the Right. Labour can credibly take him on over issues of competence, miscalculation and misallocation of resources. On Friday, Howard confirmed that Australian gunboats were headed north in an attempt to head off further devastating civil unrest in East Timor. Our defence assets are now dangerously overstretched.
Diggers Battle Afghan Hell, Sian Powell, Australian, 2006-05-15
Australian troops are being sent to what could be the most dangerous operation since the Vietnam War. Uruzgan is considered one of Afghanistan’s most dangerous provinces, a desolate, mountainous region of opium growers, Islamic fanatics and extreme poverty. John Howard announced last week that 240 more Australian troops would join the 110 SAS soldiers stationed in the lawless region.
Problem of Papuan Refugees, Hilman Adil, Jakarta Post, 2006-05-12
In disputes between Indonesia and Australia, like the conflict over West Irian, the confrontation with Malaysia in the 1960s and the crisis over East Timor in the 1970s, great powers like Japan, China and the U.S. have sided with Indonesia or stayed on the sidelines. These issues were all driven by politics in Jakarta and in none of these did Australia play a decisive role. There are three major future problems in Australia’s bilateral relationship with Indonesia.
Indonesia Joins Iran in Nuclear Dream, Morgan Mellish, AFR*, 2006-05-15
Powerful figures in Indonesia support Iran in its stand-off with the West over nuclear power. Indonesia’s long-delayed plans to enter the nuclear age appear to be back on track after the government announced at the weekend that bidding to construct a large power plant would begin next year.
* Subscription required.-
RI To Open Bidding on Nuclear Plant, Abdul Khalik, Jakarta Post, 2006-05-14
Troops on Standby for Timor Strife, Patrick Walters and Stephen Fitzpatrick, Australian, 2006-05-15
About 800 Australian troops are on standby to join a naval taskforce this week ready to provide assistance to East Timor in the event of major political unrest. The amphibious ships, Tobruk, Manoora and Kanimbla will join the frigate HMAS Adelaide, now in Darwin as part of the Government’s contingency plan should trouble break out in Timor.
China – A Test of Mateship, Tony Walker, AFR* 2006-05-12
Australia’s military presence has grown significantly, marked by the deeper involvement of Australian personnel in many branches of the US military and intelligence. “It is very much a working alliance now,” a senior official told the AFR. However, Australia does not want to be perceived by the Chinese to be somehow joining an American-led posse to constrain what others might regard as its legitimate interests.
* Subscription required. -
Briefing note: North Korea and Financial Sanctions
The current lead strategy of the US is to use financial sanctions to pressure North Korea to return to the Six Party Talks on North Korea’s nuclear weapons, and if that fails, to destabilize the regime by reducing financial resources available to the regime. The impact of this US strategy may imperil current and future interests of small and medium powers such as Australia more than it curtails North Korea’s nuclear program. Australia has important security interests in the stability of the Korean Peninsula, both as a military ally of the US-led UN Command, and in economic relations with South Korea. North Korea also represents a future market and possible investment site.
North Korean Criminal State, its Ties to Organized Crime, and the Possibility of WMD Proliferation, David L. Asher, PFO 05-92A NAPSNet: 2005-11-15
Chapter Four: North Korean Counterfeiting & Other Criminal Activity, The Sopranos State? North Korean Involvement in Criminal Activity and Implications for International Security, Sheena Chestnut, CISC Stanford University, 2005-05-20 [PDF]
An Instinct for the Capillaries, Leon V. Sigal, PFO 06-36A NAPSNet, 2006-05-09
US Financial Allegations – What They Mean, Nigel Cowie, PFO 06-35A NAPSNet, 2006-05-04
US Misses-Mines-for-Nukes Opportunity, Peter Hayes, Special Report 06-34A NAPSNet, 2006-05-02
Only Continued Pressure, Combined With Inducements, Can Bring End to North Korean Nuclear Program, Aaron L. Friedberg, PFO 06-22A NAPSNet, 2006-03-21
Austral Peace and Security Network is issued late on Mondays and Thursdays (AEST) by the Nautilus Institute at RMIT, Melbourne, Australia.
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