Bibliography of recommended reading

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"Bibliography of recommended reading", Aprenet, January 01, 1999,

 Bibliography of recommended reading
International ‘Sustainable and Ethical’ Investment Rules
Strategic Consultation
Tarrytown, NY December 2-4, 2001Aaronson, Susan. 2001. “Oh Behave! Voluntary Codes Can Make Corporations Model Citizens.” originally published in The International Economy
Washington DC: National Policy Association

Audley, John. 2001. “A Greener Fast Track, Putting Environmental Protection
into the Trade Agenda,” Working Paper 22, Washington DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Clemencon, Raymond. 2000. “Foreign Direct Investment and Global Environmental Protection-Why Environmentalists should favour Multilateral Investment Rules,”
Journal of World Investment.

International Institute for Sustainable Development and World Wildlife Fund. 2001.Private Rights, Public Problems, A guide to NAFTA’s controversial chapter on investor rights, Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development.

Jacobs, Didier. 2001. “The Potential and Limitations of Foreign Direct Investment for Development,” Oxfam America
Prepared for the Financing for Development conference

McNally, Richard. 2001. “No investment within the WTO, Re-directing investment to promote sustainable development,” World Wildlife Fund International.

Mann, Howard, and Araya, Monica. 2001. “An Investment Regime for the Americas: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainability,” Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy.

Neumayer, Eric. 2001. Greening Trade and Investment, Environmental Protection Without Protectionism, London: Earthscan.

Von Moltke, Konrad. 2000. “An International Investment Regime? Issues of Sustainable Development,” Winnipeg: International Institute for Sustainable Development.

Werksman, Jacob. Baumert, Kevin, and Dubash, Navroz. 2001. “Will International Investment Rules Obstruct Climate Protection Policies?” Washington DC: World Resources Institute.

Zarsky, Lyuba. 1999. “Havens, Halos and Spaghetti: Untangling the Relatioship Between FDI and the Environment,” in OECD, FDI and Environment.

Zarsky, Lyuba. 1997. “Stuck in the Mud? Nation-States, Globalisation and the Environment,” in OECD, Globalisation and the Environment.

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