AdaptNet for 30 January 2007

Recommended Citation

"AdaptNet for 30 January 2007", ADAPTNet English Edition, January 30, 2007,

AdaptNet for 30 January 2007

  1. Managing Climate Variability in the Sydney Region
  2. Climate Proofing in Pacific Islands: Case Studies
  3. Adaptation Measures for Mongolian Livestock: An Evaluation
  4. Water Security and Rural Catchments Planning
  5. GEF-Special Climate Change Fund Finances Adaptation Projects
  6. Human Systems: Adaptive Capacity & Vulnerability

Managing Climate Variability in the Sydney Region

The project focuses on climate vulnerability in the Sydney region and the adaptive capacity of local councils to scale-up to deal with regional issues. This paper discusses the Australian Greenhouse Office Adaptation Program; planned research activities; key concepts and issues to be addressed; potential benefits to local government; and the next steps for the project.

Managing for Climate Variability in the Sydney Region. Issues, Needs and New Solutions for Local Government, Withycombe, G., Australian Greenhouse Office’s National Climate Change Adaptation Programme, 2006 [PDF]

Climate Proofing in Pacific Islands: Case Studies

The project involves preparation of six case studies which highlight levels at which adaptation takes place, including project level, regulation and compliance, policy making and planning at sub-national level, and national strategic development planning. The case studies demonstrate the importance of mainstreaming adaptation, including strengthening the enabling environment to increase the likelihood of successful adaptation at project and community levels.

Climate Proofing: A Risk-based Approach to Adaptation, John E. Hay, Asian Development Bank, Maunsel (NZ) Ltd. and IGCI-The University of Waikato, 2005 

Adaptation Measures for Mongolian Livestock: An Evaluation

The paper assesses vulnerability of the Mongolian livestock sector to climate change and evaluates adaptations that decrease this vulnerability. Adaptation measures are classified under conserving natural resources, strengthening animal biocapacity, enhancing capacities and livelihood opportunities of rural communities, increasing food security and supply, and improving understanding of climate extremes and forecasting.

Evaluation of Adaptation Measures for Livestock Sector in Mongolia, P. Batima, B. Bat, and Ts. Tserendorj, Assessments of Impacts and Adaptations to Climate Change (AIACC) Working Paper No. 41, October 2006 [PDF]   

Water Security and Rural Catchments Planning

The study outlines a participatory approach to develop a simple planning tool to analyze the impacts of and responses to global climate change in rural catchments. It provides a summary of the methodology and the lessons learnt. It also gives the Deliberative Process in a simple ‘how to do’ format.

A Deliberative Process to Incorporate Climate Change in Catchment Planning, Geoffrey J. Syme, CSIRO Land and Water Science Report, September 2006 [PDF]

GEF Special Climate Change Fund Finances Adaptation Projects

Global Environment Facility’s Special Climate Change Fund (GEF-SCCF) finances two innovative, multi-million dollar projects for combating climate change in Guyana, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe.  GEF hopes that the projects will allow communities to take charge and develop their own mechanisms for adapting to climate change. This will reduce poor people’s vulnerability to climate change and maintain ecosystem resilience.

Special Climate Change Fund Finances Adaptation Projects, News Release, Global Environment Facility, 2006-12-18 [PDF]

Human Systems: Adaptive Capacity & Vulnerability

Adaptations in human communities are closely associated with, and reflective of, adaptive capacity and vulnerability. This paper reviews the concept of adaptation of human systems to global changes, especially climate change, in the context of adaptive capacity of communities and their vulnerability.

Adaptation, Adaptive Capacity and Vulnerability, Barry Smith and Johanna Wandel, Global Environmental Change, Volume 16, 2006 [PDF] 

Subscription information

AdaptNet is a free weekly report produced by RMIT University Global Cities Institute’s Climate Change Adaptation Working Group. It is produced in partnership with the Victorian Government’s Department of Sustainability and Environment and the Australian Centre for Science, Innovation and Society at Melbourne University, Australia.

For further information, please contact the editor, Saleem Janjua.