AdaptNet for 16 October 2007

Recommended Citation

"AdaptNet for 16 October 2007", ADAPTNet English Edition, October 16, 2007,

  1. Australia’s Murray Darling Basin and Irrigated Agriculture
  2. Policies for Sustainable Cities – Implications
  3. Climate Change and Economic Opportunities – Washington
  4. Factoring Climate Concerns into Development Projects
  5. Addressing Vulnerability of Poor Communities – CBA
  6. Sustainability Conference 2008 – Malaysia

1.    Australia’s Murray Darling Basin and Irrigated Agriculture

The article focuses on the impact of reduced water allocations in the southern Murray Darling Basin where the perennial horticulture and dairy activities are located. It highlights the need to provide irrigators with increased flexibility (freeing up interregional trade in water and a carry-over facility) to manage their own risks.

Drought and Irrigation in Australia’s Murray Darling Basin, Tim Goesch et al., Australian Commodities, Vol.14, No.2, The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE), Canberra, Australia, June 2007 [PDF]

2.    Policies for Sustainable Cities – Implications

The paper analyses the effects of city planning and policy decisions on urban climates. It evaluates the likely local and regional climatic impacts of the Melbourne 2030 plan by applying both field observation and climate modelling. The paper describes the approach for the best way to improve Melbourne’s urban climate.

Changing Urban Climate and CO2 Emissions: Implications for the Development of Policies for Sustainable Cities, Andrew M. Coutts, Jason Beringer and Nigel J. Tapper, Urban Policy and Research, May 16, 2007 [PDF]

3.    Climate Change and Economic Opportunities – Washington

The report assesses the current and likely future effects of global climate change on Washington’s economy within the first half of the twenty-first century. It outlines economic opportunities that may be associated with climate change. The report suggests some key questions that deserve the sustained attention of the state’s policymakers.

Impacts of Climate Change on Washington’s Economy: A Preliminary Assessment of Risks and Opportunities, Washington Economic Steering Committee and the Climate Leadership Initiative (CLI), University of Oregon, November 2006 [PDF]

4.    Factoring Climate Concerns into Development Projects

The report provides information on the progress achieved so far in integrating climate change adaptation into development activities of bilateral and multilateral development co-operation agencies and international financial institutions. It surveys 26 bilateral and 10 multilateral donors to track trends and highlight innovative approaches to incorporate climate risks into their activities.

Stocktaking of Progress on Integrating Adaptation to Climate Change into Development Co-operation Activities, Simone Gigli and Shardul Agrawala, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris, September 2007 [PDF]

5.    Addressing Vulnerability of Poor Communities – CBA

The briefing paper describes a new approach (community-based adaptation: CBA) to address the vulnerability of poor communities to climate change. It outlines the key concepts behind CBA and shares some lessons learned for achieving CBA in practice. The paper presents a case study of Cavite City in the Philippines.

Community-Based Adaptation: An IIED Briefing, Saleemul Huq and Hannah Reid, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), 2007 [PDF]

6.    Sustainability Conference 2008 – Malaysia

Sustainability Conference 2008 is being held from January 04-07, 2008 in Malaysia. It aims to develop a holistic view of sustainability, in which environmental, cultural and economic issues are inseparably interlinked. The deadline for the next round in the call for papers (a title and short abstract) is 18 October 2007.

Fourth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability(Sustainability Conference 2008), Common Ground Conferences, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, January 04-07, 2008

Subscription information

AdaptNet is a free weekly report produced by RMIT University Global Cities Institute’s Climate Change Adaptation Working Group in partnership with the Australian Centre for Science, Innovation and Societyat Melbourne University, Australia.


For further information, please contact the editor, Saleem Janjua.