Public forum: Who will stop nuclear next use?

On Sunday 20 September 2009, Rolf Ekéus and Gareth Evans joined other speakers at a public forum on nuclear disarmament.


Opening remarks

Statement by Japanese for Peace
Kandori Shizuka: Japanese for Peace.


Keynote speakers

The present moment in the task of abolishing nuclear weapons
Rolf Ekéus: Chair, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute


The challenge of getting to zero: The role of the Australia-Japan International Commission in Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament
Gareth Evans: Co-chair, International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament



New climate science and the urgency of zero
Tilman Ruff: Australian NGO advisor – International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament.


Challenging the myth that we need nuclear weapons
Marianne Hanson: Reader in International Relations, University of Queensland.


Why are nuclear weapons so persistent?
Patrick Morgan: Tierney Chair, Peace & Conflict Studies, University of California, Irvine.


What is to be done? By whom? When? and How?
Joseph Camilleri: Director, Centre for Dialogue, La Trobe University.


New dynamics: nuclear relations in Northeast Asia
Jimbo Ken: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University


New developments in Nuclear Weapon-Free Zones
Michael Hamel-Green: Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts, Education and Human Development, Victoria University.


Towards an arc of disarmament: the Australia-Japan connection and post-nuclear security
Tessa Morris-Suzuki: Professor of Japanese History, Australian National University


Can Japan change? New government, civil society and the region
Kawasaki Akira: Japanese NGO advisor – International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament.


A global abolition treaty: getting us to zero
Dimity Hawkins: International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).


Fuelling uncertainty: Uranium and Australia’s nuclear landscape
Dave Sweeney: Australian Conservation Foundation.


The nuclear fuel cycle and Australia’s energy future
Hugh Saddler: Managing Director, Energy Strategies.


Transnational linkages for peace
Yi Kiho: Director, Nautilus Institute ARI, Seoul.