Nautilus Peace and Security Network – 26 March 2015

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"Nautilus Peace and Security Network – 26 March 2015", NAPSNet Weekly Report, March 26, 2015,

dETERRENCE IMAGEDETERRENCE: Ballistic missile defense and strategic stability in East Asia, Frank Rose, Remarks, State Department, remarks at Federation of American Scientists (20 February 2015)

The US is committed to strategic stability in US-China relations but this does not mean mutual assured destruction. Rose says a Chinese ground missile defense would not be destabilizing. Chinese policymakers view US missile defense as reducing mutual vulnerability and destabilizing.

dprk imageDPRK: What do the recent Japan, China, South Korea talks mean? Gabriel Dominguez, Deutsche Welle (23 March 2015)

Foreign Ministers from China, Japan and South Korea met for the first time in three years. It is premature to say that the three reached full consensus, but their process of rapprochement signals decreased room for North Korea to act outside of their collective boundaries. Linguistically, North Korea continues to move away from South Korea and away from China and Japan, too because the three – unlike North Korea – adopt foreign words and concepts to a degree that North Korea does not. The linguistic gap will have negative impacts for communication which will only grow worse with time.

gov imageGOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: China’s “Silent Spring” moment? Daniel Gardner, New York Times (18 March 2015)

The Chinese environmental documentary “Under the Dome” became an internet sensation after being released by the People’s Daily, only to be censored after going viral. Part of the film’s appeal seems to be its ability to voice what many citizens feel when it comes to environmental degradation and official corruption, providing an outlet for discussion and criticism of the government.

Image for 26 March 2015CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Planning for cooler cities: a framework to prioritise green infrastructure to mitigate high temperatures in urban landscapes, Briony A. Norton et al., Landscape and Urban Planning, vol. 134 (2015) [3.12 MB, PDF]

Urban green infrastructure (UGI) is an important component of any climate adaptation strategy because of the multiple benefits it provides to the community and local urban eco-systems. The integration of UGI into the public realm is important to mitigate high urban temperatures. The cooling benefits of four types of UGI have been quantified: (1) green open spaces (primarily public parks); (2) shade trees; (3) green roofs; and (4) vertical greening systems (green walls and facades).

Malcolm at Asialink 2012AUSTRAL PEACE AND SECURITY: A foreign policy realist and dissenter, Philip Dorling, The Age (21 March 2015)

Vale Malcolm Fraser, Cold Warrior, post-Cold War critic of US strategic dysfunction, and recorder of consequences for uncritical allied wannabes. Advocate of a never-yet-seen independent Australia, defensible in both military and moral terms, Fraser’s classical realism indicted servile Australian acceptance of both “alliance maintenance” rationales for war and bipartisan consensus on a networked alliance. And his insistence on dignity, law, and rights measured its palpable human, moral, and strategic costs.

The Nautilus Peace and Security Weekly Report presents articles and full length reports each week in six categories: Austral security, nuclear deterrence, energy security, climate change and security, the DPRK, climate change adaptation and governance and civil society. Our team of contributors carefully select items that highlight the links between these themes and the three regions in which our offices are found — North America, Northeast Asia, and the Austral-Asia region.

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