NAPSNet 17 November 2011

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"NAPSNet 17 November 2011", NAPSNet Weekly Report, November 17, 2011,

NAPSNet 17 November 2011

DETERRENCE: Extraterritorial jurisdiction over dual use nuclear commodity smuggling and international law, Anthony Colangelo, NAPSNet Special Report, Nautilus Institute (15 November 2011) [PDF, 0.7MB]

The paper argues that legal obstacles to extraterritorial and universal jurisdiction over dual use nuclear commodities smuggling should be overcome due to its massive potential to destabilize the international system and to metastasize unchecked by traditional state accountability paradigms.    

ENERGY SECURITY: Interview: A power company president ties his future to green energy, Yale Environment 360 (9 November 2011) 

David Crane, CEO of US-based NRG Energy, refers to climate change as a “slow-moving catastrophe” and “the fundamental issue of our day”.   Crane sees the future for electric utilities transformed by a combination of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on building roofs, electric vehicles, and “smart meters” moving power between buildings, PVs, vehicle batteries, and the grid.   Consumers, he says, now have energy choices that they never had before.  

GOVERNANCE AND CIVIL SOCIETY: Japan torn over entry to trade bloc, Malcolm Foster, New Zealand Herald (10 November 2011)

Japanese Prime Minister Noda voiced his commitment to serious talks regarding Japan’s participation in a Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade framework, proposed at APEC summit meeting, despite opposition from Japan’s powerful agricultural base. ROK President Lee also encouraged greater deregulation and free trade in the region, citing the ROK as an example, although protests continue against the US-ROK free trade agreement at home.

DPRK: Not bad options for the six party talks, Roger Cavazos, The Nautilus Institute (9 November  2011)  

Roger Cavazos surveyed track 1 and track 2 interactions with North Korea in October and November and concluded that the DPRK is actively trying to engage the outside world. In particular, he recommends that the US and other states work with the DPRK on train lines and educational exchanges. “If no one reaches back towards those who are …taking a risk by welcoming in limited outside forces… we will likely lose many opportunities for a long time.”

CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: Climate change: Adaptation for Queensland – issues paper, Office of Climate Change, Department of Environment and Resource Management, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (2011) [PDF, 2.08 MB] 

The recent floods and cyclones in Queensland-Australia, while devastating, provide an opportunity to the Queensland Government to assess its preparedness for the likelihood of more frequent and extreme events. They also provide an opportunity to reassess where, and to what standard, key community and economic infrastructure should be built to better prepare for future climate change.

AUSTRAL SECURITY: Uranium miners eager for Indian market, Emily Stewart, Lateline Business, ABC (15 November 2011)

In a major policy change that was welcomed in New Delhi, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard declared that her ruling Labour Party would reverse its ban on selling uranium to India. The policy shift is partially due to US pressure; the US believes Australia’s ban on uranium exports is hindering efforts to develop a broader economic and security pact to link Washington, Canberra and New Delhi. 

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