Lynn Eden/Hal Brode Nuclear Correspondence

COMING SOON: An extensive collection of correspondence, reports, and documents between nuclear security experts Lynn Eden and Hal Brode. All files are in PDF format.

File Type 1st Author, LN 1st Author, FN Addt’l Authors Title
Click title to open PDF in separate tab/window
File Size Publisher Place Month Year Pages Notes

EBDOC001.PDF Report + personal note Williams F. A. Porzel, F. B. and Olfe, D. B. Fire Effects of Nuclear Weapons: A Summary of Contributing Factors (U), Study S-141, Contract SD-50, Task 28 13MB Institute for Defense Analyses, Research and Engineering Support Division Jan. 1 1964 190 Stamped Declassified Jul. 9, 2003; contains cover note from “Bill” at The National Security Archive, Washington, D.C., to Lynn Eden 1 blank page removed.
EBDOC003.PDF Report Martin Stanley B. Fire Setting By Nuclear Explosion: A Revisit 4MB Stan Martin & Associates undated 16 1 blank page removed.
EBDOC004.PDF Technical report Willoughby A.B. The Use of Historical Data for Predicting the Rates of Fire Spread in Urban Areas Following Nuclear Explosions Scientific Service, Inc., Redwood City, CA; Stan Martin & Associates, Redwood City, CA; Defense Nuclear Agency, Alexandria, VA Alexandria, VA Jun. 1 1991 83 Contract No. DNA 001-87-C-0280; includes Report Documentation Page; Unclassified; “This document contains technical data whose export is restricted by the Arms Control Export Control Act.” Items in the appendix are dated Dec. 23, 2002 and Dec. 25, 2002. (The report itself is undated.) Number of blank pages removed: 2
EBDOC005.PDF Email Brode Hal to Lynn Eden. “Re: the usual.” Email (printouts). online Feb. 8 2000, 12:34 p.m. PST 7 This appears to contain two different printouts of the same email message, one from an inkjet or laser printer and the other from a dot-matrix printer.
EBDOC006.PDF Draft history/memoir (first chapters of a book MS?) Brode Harold L. “The Cold War: an Insider’s View” 2006–2007 267 Foreword “A Plea to Early Readers” is dated May 12, 2006; chapters bear various dates through Nov. 2007, and each chapter’s pages are numbered beginning with 1.
Chapter 11 has been correctly reordered.
Chapters 6–10 are missing.

PDF page numbers:
Title: 2
“Plea to Early Readers” 3
Preface: 4
Ch 1 “The Atomic Bomb and Some Famous Scientists” 9
Ch 2 “Prelude to the Cold War” 36
Ch 3 “More Manhattan Project Scientists” 66
Ch 4 “Early Nuclear Weapons Development” 84
Ch 5 “Problems in the Growth of Nuclear Strategic Systems” 98
[Chapters 6–10 absent]
Ch 11 “The Moral Issue” 141
Ch 13 “Reentry of Apollo 13” 173
Ch 14 “Fire in World War II” 185
Ch 15 “The Role of Fire in Nuclear War” 233

Five blank or duplicate pages deleted from PDF.
Contains hand-written notes and mark-up.

EBDOC007.PDF Slide Presentation and 2 (conference) papers (photocopies) Binninger Gilbert C. USSBS Impact on VNTK Development(slides)

“Impact of USSBS on Development of VNTK: a Read-ahead for DTRA’s NIAB Workshop 20–24 Sep. 2004” “Application of Statistical Methods to Evaluating USSBS Atomic Damage Data: a Read-ahead for DTRA’s NIAB Workshop 20–24 Sep. 2004”

Science Applications International Corporation Alexandria, VA Jul. 1 2004 70 Includes mailing envelope addressed to Center For International Security & Cooperation at Stanford, attn: Lynn Eden. Includes slides for talk given by Binninger at Hiroshima and Nagasaki session of the NIAB Workshop, September 20–24, 2004. Includes paper offered as a “read-ahead” for the workshop.

PDF pages:
envelope: 2
slide deck: 3
“Impact of USSBS on Development of VNTK” 37
“Application of Statistical Methods to Evaluating USSBS Atomic Damage Data” 59

EBDOC008.PDF Report Brode Harold L. Nuclear Fire MetaGuide Pacific-Sierra Research, for Defense Threat Reduction Agency P-SR Santa Monica, CA DTRA: Alexandria, VA Aug. 1 2000 83 PSR Report 2828. Technical Report Contract # DTRA01–99-D-0045, under RDT&E RMSS Code B 4662 D AC BB 00004 4400A AC. Unclassified. Contains handwritten notes and markup.
1 blank page removed; out-of-order pages reordered.
EBDOC009.PDF Presentation with cover letter & attachments Brode Harold L. “Nuclear Fire Damage Review” Presentation at the NIAB Workshop Albuquerque, NM (workshop location) Sep. 20 2004 61 Includes mailing envelope addressed from Harold L. Brode to Lynn Eden.
Includes workshop agenda + presenter bios. Document pages 5, 22 missing from presentation.
55 blank pages removed (alternate pages). Pages reordered within “Nuclear Fire Damage Review.”
Includes additional draft document: “Fire and the NIAB Workshop, or ‘You Can’t Get There from Here'”
Handwritten notes on “Fire and the NIAB Workshop”: “Hal Brode Oct. 13, 2004 email to me.” Underlining.

PDF page numbers:
Envelope: 1
Cover letter: 2
Comments: 3
Agenda: 5
Presenter bios: 7
“Nuclear Fire Damage Review”: 12
“Fire and the NIAB Workshop, or ‘You Can”t Get There from Here'”: 59

EBDOC009.PDF Document Brode Harold L. Comments by H.L. Brode on the United States Strategic Bombing Survey (1947) undated 1
EBDOC009.PDF Document Brode Harold L. “Fire and the NIAB Workshop, or ‘You Can’t Get There from Here'” [A short history of the United States Strategic Bombing Survey (USSBS)…] Oct. 13 2004 3 Handwritten note at top of first page: “Hal Brode Oct. 13, 2004 email to me” (Presumably Lynn Eden). Underlining.
EBDOC010.PDF 1. NIAB Workshop contact, invitee, and attendance lists. 2. Email conversation re “Confusion? Help please.” 3. Graph + chart, “Hiroshima Overpressure.” Brode Harold L. Email authors: Brode, Len; Brode, Jade; Deel, Charles C. II; Hall, Bill; Lewis, John Emails (all forwarding/commenting on “Confusion? Help please”) 1. Len & Jade Brode 2. Charles C. Deel II 3. Bill Hall 4. John Lewis online Letter: Nov. 13
1. Sep. 13, 3:34 PM
2. Aug. 13, 10:48 AM
3. Aug. 13, 9:54 AM
4. Aug. 13, 12:27 AM
Letter: 2004
1. 2004
2. 2004
3. 2004
4. 2004
19 Includes cover letter, mailing envelope addressed from Harold L. Brode in Pacific Palisades, CA to Lynn Eden at the Center for International Security & Cooperation, Stanford. Pages 1 and 2 of the cover letter are missing. (Supplied in DOC011.PDF.)

Titles of research status summaries:
30. “Status Summary of Fire Effects on Shelters and Personnel”
31. “Status Summary of Research on Fire Phenomena and Fire Spread”
32. “Summary of Sessions on Fire Start, Thermal Countermeasures, and Fire Defenses”

PDF pages:
envelope: 1
letter (pp. 1, 2 missing) 2
NIAB Workshop lists: 4
emails: 13
graph: 18
chart: 19

DOC011.PDF First two pages of letter (They belong with DOC010.PDF.) Brode Harold L. To Lynn Eden Nov. 13 2004 2 The first two pages of the personal communication in DOC010.PDF (missing from that file). 2 blank pages removed.
EBDOC012.PDF 1. Letter 2. First pages from 27 documents (reports & articles) 3. Distribution list Brode Harold L. Authors of docs whose first pages are included:
1. Hottel, H.C. et al.
2. Hottel, H.C. and Williams, G.C.
3. Emmons, Howard W.
4. Stan Martin & Assoc.
5. Martin, Stanley B.
6. Carrier, George F. et al.
7. Carrier, George F. et al.
8. Carrier, George F. et al.
9. Carrier, George F. et al.
10. Martin, Stanley B.
11. Martin, Stanley B. [report documentation page]
12. Takata, Arthur N. and Salzberg, Frederick
13. Takata, Arthur N.
14. Takata, Arthur N.
15. Vodvarka, Frank J.
16. Takata, Arthur N. and Salzberg, Frederick
17. Takata, Arthur N. and Salzberg, Frederick
18 Takata, Arthur N. and Salzberg, Frederick
19. Takata, Arthur N. and Salzberg, Frederick
20. Miercort, Frederic A.
21. Lomasson, T.E. et al.
22. (Wolverton?)
23. Graham Metson, Ed.; authors Macmechan, Archibald et al.
24. Parker, W. J.
25. Fendell, Francis E. et al.
26. Beach, K. L. et al.
27. Putnam, A. A. and Speich, C.F.
1. “Fuel Preheating in Free-burning Fires.” Thirteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion [date, pp. unknown]
2. “The Modeling of Firespread through a Fuel Bed,” Thirteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, (1965): 997–1007.
3. “Fire” Unpublished paper.
4. The Use of Historical Data for Predicting the Rates of Fire Spread in Urban Areas Following Nuclear Explosions. Technical report.
5. “The Role of Fire in Nuclear Warfare” Report documentation page.
6. “Wind-aided Flame Spread Along a Horizontal Fuel Slab.” Combustion Science and Technology vol. 23 (1980): 41–78.
7. Firestorms. Technical report.
8. Modeling Aspects of Large-area Fires. Technical report.
9. Laboratory Modeling of Aspects of Large Fires. Technical report.
10. “Distribution of Urban Fires Following Nuclear Attack” Conference paper.
11. “The Role of Fire in Nuclear Warfare” Report documentation page.
12. Development and Application of a Complete Fire-spread Model: Vol. I.
13. Power Density Rating for Fire in Urban Areas. Technical report.
14. Mechanistic Urban Fire-spread Code (FISAT) Technical report.
15. Firebrand Field Studies. Technical report.
16. Development and Application of a Complete Fire-spread Model Vol 1. Report.
17. Development and Application of a Complete Fire-spread Model Vol 2. Report.
18. Development and Application of a Complete Fire-spread Model Vol 3. Report.
19. Development and Application of a Complete Fire-spread Model Vol 4. Report.
20. Description of a Fast-running Fire-spread Model. Report.
21. Firestorm Analysis. Report.
22. Fire Spread in Urban Areas. Report.
23. The Hallifax Explosion Dec. 6, 1917. Anthology.
24. Urban Mass Fire Scaling Considerations. Report.
25. Wind-aided Firespread across Arrays of Discrete Fuel Elements. Report.
26. Laboratory Fire Modeling: 1)Wind-aided Flame Spread 2)Wet Coagulation of Smoke. Technical report.
27. “A Model Study of the Interaction of Multiple Turbulent Diffusion Flames.”
4. Stan Martin & Associates, Scientific Service, Inc., for Defense Nuclear Agency.
5. URS Research Company. Defense Nuclear Agency.
7. Defense Nuclear Agency.
8. Defense Nuclear Agency.
9. Defense Nuclear Agency.
11. URS Research Company for Defense Nuclear Agency
12. IIT Research Institute for Office of Civil Defense/Office of the Secretary of the Army through US Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory
13. IIT Research Institute for Office of Civil Defense
14. Stan Martin and Associates for Defense Nuclear Agency
15. IIT Research Institute for Office of Civil Defense
16. IIT Research Institute for Office of Civil Defense, Office of the Secretary of the Army through US Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory
17. IIT Research Institute for Office of Civil Defense, Office of the Secretary of the Army through US Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory
18. IIT Research Institute for Office of Civil Defense, Office of the Secretary of the Army through US Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory
19. IIT Research Institute for Office of Civil Defense, Office of the Secretary of the Army through US Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory
20. Institute for Defense Analyses for Defense Civil Preparedness Agency
21. Dikeood Corporation for US Forest Service Division of Fire Research Advanced Research Projects Agency, Department of Defense
22. United States Air Force, Physical Vulnerability Division
24. US Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory
25. Defense Nuclear Agency
26. TRW Electronics and Defense Sector for Defense Nuclear Agency
4. SMA: Redwood City, CA. SSI: Redwood City, CA. DNA: Alexandria, VA.
5. URS: San Mateo, CA. DNA: Washington DC.
6. Washington DC.
letter: Mar. 4 1999 36 Enclosures are first pages only. Include handwritten notes by Harold Brode. In the cover letter: “My comments written on these sheets are not for attribution, since I am not out to publicly denigrate any of them….”

Reordered 1 of the initial pages.
38 blank pages removed (alternate pages).

Additional information on individual first pages:
4. Contract number DNA 001–87-C-0280
7. Contract number DNA 001–81-C-0111
10. “Distribution of Urban Fires Following Nuclear Attack” presented at Thermal Effects Symposium, Aldermaston UK, March 25–29 1968.
15. Under contract N00228–68-C-2686. Work Unit 2539B. Task order 2530 (68).
20. Contract DAHC20 70 C 0287. Task order 4126F. Paper P-988
21. Contract number 13–248.
22. PVTM-16. Technical memorandum No. 16.
24. OCD Work Unit No. 2536F, USNRDL-TR-67–150, Oct. 19, 1967.
25. DNA-TR-89–193, Contract No. DNA 001–86-C-0297.
26. DNA-TR-86–248.

Docs 12 and 16 are duplicates, but with different notes by HB.

Distribution list: it’s unclear what document was distributed. Indicates which recipients were known to HB.

PDF pages:
Letter: 1
First pages: 5
Distribution list: 32

EBDOC013.PDF Email Brode Harold L. Lynn Eden (author of email to which HB is responding) “Re: the usual.” Email (printouts). online Feb. 8, 12:34 PM 2000 7 2 copies of an email from Harold Brode to Lynn Eden responding to questions about his career. Copy #1 includes hand-written notes.
EBDOC014.PDF Summary of two conversations with Harold Brode: interviews? unknown unknown “Below: conversation with Brode Jan. 4, 2000 and Dec. 28, 1999.” unpublished 1. Jan. 4 2. Dec. 28 1. 2000 2. 1999 10 A detailed summary of two conversations with Harold Brode. Interviews? (Not a transcript.) Headed “Below: conversation with Brode Jan. 4, 2000 and Dec. 28, 1999.” Brode. 991228-000104
EBDOC015.PDF 5 photocopies:
1. Cover letter
2. FEMA organization chart (1981)
3. FEMA internal newsletter FEMA distribution list for PSR fire reports
4. List of participants in Project Little Harbor, May 23–Jun. 2, 1967
Brode Harold L. Lynn Eden, letter recipient 1. untitled (cover letter)
2. Federal Emergency Management Agency
3. Emergency Management Activities, Information for FEMA Employees
4. FEMA Distribution List 5. Little Harbor Participants, Oak Ridge National Laboratory May 23–Jun. 2, 1976
1. Jun. 1
3. Oct. 8
1. 1999
2. 1981
3. 1981
15 Letter from Brode to Eden. He’s found some info that he thinks may be of interest to her.

PDF pages:
Letter: 1
FEMA organization: 2
Newsletter: 3
Distribution list: 9
Participants in Project Little Harbor: 15

EBDOC016.PDF 3 photocopies:
1. Letter (Harold Brode to Lynn Eden)
2. Advisory group & panel participation list (Partial list from Brode’s CV)
3. p. 174 of NAS Organization and Members 1971–1972 (+ cover page)
Brode Harold L. (author of letter) 1. Letter from Harold Brode to Lynn Eden 3. p. 174 of NAS Organization and Members 1971–1972 3. National Academy of Science [sic] 3. Washington, DC 1. May 25 3. Dec. 31 1. 1999 3. 1971 7 The letter responds to questions Eden has asked Brode re the history of his career/field. Text at the bottom of p 3/top of p 4 is missing from the typescript and has been inserted by hand. Letter includes notes/underlines.
#3. lists Harold Brode as a member of the Advisory Committee on Civil Defense.
EBDOC017.PDF Photocopy of mailing envelope Pacific Sierra Research Corporation, Santa Monica, CA May 25 (cancellation date) 1999 1 Photocopy of envelope sent from Harold Brode at Pacific Sierra Research Corporation, 2901 28th St., Santa Monica, CA 90405 to Lynn Eden at Center for International Security and Arms Control, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305.
EBDOC018.PDF Email Eden Lynn To Harold Brode Subject line: “thank you and 3 burning questions” online May 28, 1999 [no time stamp] 2 Email from Lynn Eden to Harold Brode (“Hal”) in response to his letter of May. 25, 1999 (included in EBDOC016.PDF).
EBDOC019.PDF Email Eden Lynn To Harold Brode Subject line: “thank you and 3 burning questions” online May 14 [no time stamp] 1999 5 \brode990514.e-m Email from Lynn Eden to Harold Brode asking for information/clarifications related to her history.
EBDOC020.PDF Notes Eden Lynn Headed “Questions from March—early May,” “some followup questions for Brode,” “April—early May 1999 questions.” Mar. 18 1999 3 \Brode990507.ask It appears these are notes to self written by Lynn Eden in preparation for her history. Includes a few additional handwritten notes.
EBDOC021.PDF Emails + notes (photocopy) Eden Lynn Brode, Harold 1. “e-mail thanks” (title of Lynn Eden’s note to self) Email subject lines: 2. “the usual” 3. “Re: the usual” 4. “frankel” 5. “Fire research sponsors” online 1. Undated
2. Feb. 4 [no time stamp]
3. Feb. 8, 12:34 PM
4. Feb. 8 [no time stamp]
5. Feb. 14, 2:25 PM
2. 2000
3. 2000
4. 2000
5. 2000
11 1. Notes by Lynn Eden in preparation for her history. (Headed “e-mail thanks”)

Email #2 here (i.e. item #3) same as the email in EBDOC013.PDF. (Feb. 8, 2000, 12:34 PM)

Email #4 (item #5) from Brode includes brief thumbnails of several DNA employees. “These are rather personal opinions which (I would hope you understand) I would be reluctant to broadcast.”

Includes handwritten notes by Eden on emails.

PDF page numbers:
Email 1
Email 2
Email 3
Email 4

EBDOC022.PDF Photocopies:
1. letter
2. CV
3. award
4. citation
5. Harold Brode memoir
Brode Harold L. 3. Defense Special Weapons Agency Lifetime Achievement Award
4. “Citation to Accompany the Award of Director’s Award for Exceptional Public Service”
5. Memoir title: “Just Before Reentry on Apollo 13”
3, 4: Defense Special Weapons Agency Alexandria, VA 1. Jun. 10
3. Feb. 7
4. Feb. 7
5. Jan. 4 [written Apr. 1, 1997]
1. 1999
2. 1999
3. 1997
4. 1997
5. 1997
34 1. Letter from Harold Brode to Lynn Eden
2. Harold Brode complete CV as of 1999
3. DSWA Lifetime Achievement Award (presented to Harold Brode)
4. “Citation to Accompany the Award of Director’s Award for Exceptional Public Service”
5. Memoir by Brode of an emergency with the Apollo 13 mission, Apr. 16, 1970.

PDF pages:
1. letter: 1
2. CV: 4
3. award: 26
4. citation: 27
5.memoir: 28

EBDOC023.PDF Letter Brode Harold L. Lynn Eden, recipient Dec. 7 1995 3 This letter was sent along with Brode’s comments on Eden’s first two draft chapters. (Draft & comments not included in this file.)
EBDOC024.PDF Photocopy of typed notes Eden Lynn undated 12 Detailed working notes written by Eden for her book in progress. Includes a few handwritten additions.
EBDOC025.PDF Photocopied memo Brode Harold L. Lynn Eden, recipient Headed “Memo to Lynn Eden.” Sep. 22 1998 15 Brode gives information about his career. Includes a few handwritten notes/queries by Eden.
EBDOC026.PDF Photocopies:
1. Working notes
2. Letter
3. Interview questions
4. Bibliography
5. Letter
Eden Lynn Harold Brode is the recipient of both letters 2. Aug.19
3. Aug. 19
5. Jun. 16
2. 1998
3. 1998
5. 1998
23 Materials related to Eden’s book project. This is a partial bibliography of Brode and colleagues.
1 blank page removed.
EBDOC027.PDF Report Kerr James W. Gibbons, Matthew G. Authors of report contents: 1. Kerr, J.W.
Introduction 2. author unnamed 3. Waterman, Thomas E. 4. Butler, Clay P. and Wm H. Yundt 5. Staackmann, Milton 6. Reilly, Wm 7. Crain, John L. 8. Sheeder, Richard 9. Waterman, Thomas E. 10. Takata, Arthur 11. Colvin, Clifford 12. Robertson, Alexander F. and Perry L. Blackshear, J. Reed Welker, Wm Miller 13. Fristrom, Robert M. 14. Lipska, Anne E and Kenneth A. Lincoln 15. Keller, James A. and Dikewood 16. Feldman, Sidney 17. Christian, Wm. J. 18. Moll, Kendall D. 19. author unnamed 20. Salzberg 21. Alvares, Norman J. 22. Goodale, Thomas 23. Christian, Wm. J. 24. John, Floyd I. 25. Parker, Wm. J. 26. Heugel, Wm. F. 27. Crowley, Jack 28. author unnamed 29. Pinzow, Leonard and Bechtel 30. Pryor, Andrew J. 31. Martin, Stan 32. Christian, W. J.
OCD Research Report No. 12. Technical Summary 5th Annual OCD Fire Research Contractors Meeting
Asilomar, California Apr. 2–6, 1967

Titles of report contents:
1. Introduction
2. 2537A “Mass Fire Life Hazard”
3. 1132A “Fire Test Rating System for Shelter Components”
4. 2536G “Operation FLAMBEAU: CD Test Design and Experiment”
5. 2512A “Fire Service Capabilities for Rescue”
6. 2522E “Fire Service Capabilities for Damage Control”
7. 2511B “Rescue Problem Analysis”
8. 2522D “Preliminary Aerial Fire Mapping Systems Analysis”
9. 2536E “Experimental Study of Firebrand Generation”
10. 2538B “IITRI Fire Spread Model Development & Calculations”
11. 2538C “URS Fire Spread Model Development & Calculations”
12. 2531A “Fundamental Fire Research”
13. 2531B “Committee on Fire Research”
14. 2531C “Fundamental Research in Limitation and Control of Fires”
15. 2534C “Survey of Fuel Arrays Ignitable by Nuclear Weapon Thermal Pulse”
16. 2534B “Fire Start Capabilities of Urban Nuclear Detonations”
17. 2522F “Fire Department Operations Analysis”
18. 2522G “Public Capabilities to Extinguish Ignitions from Nuclear Attack”
19. 2526B “Fire Defense Systems Analysis”
20. 2526A “Mathematical Modeling of Fire Defenses”
21. 2542A “Exploratory Development of Thermal Hardening Measures”
22. 2552C “Additives to Improve Smoke Generation”
23. 2534D “Feasibility and Representativeness of Large Scale Boxcar Burns”
24. 2536D “Fire Storm Exploratory Analysis”
25. 2536F “Mass Fire Characteristics and Development”
26. 1614A and 1125A “Shelter Evaluation Program”
27. 1614B “Civil Defense Physical Vulnerability System”
28. 2536H “Origin and Properties of Fire Whirls”
29. 1623A “Protective Blast Shelter Systems Analysis”

Titles of research status summaries:
30. “Status Summary of Fire Effects on Shelters and Personnel”
31. “Status Summary of Research on Fire Phenomena and Fire Spread”
32. “Summary of Sessions on Fire Start, Thermal Countermeasures, and Fire Defenses”

Office of the Secretary of the Army, Office of Civil Defense Washington, DC Oct. 15 1967 63 Abstract: “An introduction to OCD fire research is provided. Papers presented at subject conference are listed with a brief abstract of each, and research status in three broad subject areas is summarized by selected participants. A list of those attending is appended.” Also includes a list of people who have been sent copies of this report. Project number OCD WU 2530 Unclassified Document page numbering restarts with Appendix 1 and again with Appendix 2. 1 duplicate page removed. Note on cover: 2561B SM PDF page numbers: Cover: 1 Title page: 2 Abstract: 3 Table of contents: 4 Foreword: 5 Introduction: 6 Abstracts: 8 Research status summaries: 24 Appendix 1: 43 Appendix 2: 46 Document control data sheet: 62
EBDOC028.PDF Report (Duplicate of DOC027) undated
EBDOC029.PDF Report Dorsett Henry G. (Ed.) Research Report No. 15, Technical Summary, 8th Annual OCD Fire Research Contractors Meeting, Asilomar, California, Apr. 20–24, 1970 OSA, Office of Civil Defense Washington, DC Jun. 1 1970 60 Abstract: “An introduction to OCD fire research is provided. Papers presented at subject conference are listed; the scope of the supporting research is provided. Discussion sessions are summarized, and research status in six broad subject areas is summarized by selected participants. A list of those attending is appended.”
PDF page numbers:
Introduction 4
Conference program 7
Work Unit Scopes 12
Research Status Summaries
“Fire Defenses” Eggleston, Lester 23
“Fire Behavior” Takata, Arthur 25
“Fire Blast Environments” Goodale, Thomas 28
“Shelter Fire Problems” Sisson, George 31
“Evaluation of Fire Spread Models” Miller, Keith 33
“Fundamental Fire and Fire Modeling Research” Lipska, Anne 35
“Office of Civil Defense Fire Research” Kerr, James 37
“Experimental Burns of Buildings and Wildland Fuels” Butler, Clayton 39
“Fundamental Fire Research” Martin, Stanley 41
Participants 43
supplementary distribution list 44
Document control data sheet 59
EBDOC030.PDF Report Dorsett Henry G. (Ed.) Research Report No. 18, Technical Summary, 9th Annual OCD Fire Research Contractors Meeting, Asilomar, California, Mar. 28–Apr. 1, 1970 OSA, Office of Civil Defense Washington, DC May 1 1971 49 Abstract: “An introduction to OCD fire research is provided. Papers presented at subject conference are listed; the scope of the supporting research is provided. Discussion sessions are summarized, and research status in six broad subject areas is summarized by selected participants. A list of those attending is appended.” Unclassified PDF page numbers: Introduction: 5 Conference program: 6 Work Unit Scopes: 11 Research Status Summaries: Kerr, James W. “Office of Civil Defense Fire Research” 20 Sisson, George N. “Shelter Requirements in a Fire-Blast Environment” 22 Martin, Stanley and Andy Longinow and George N. Sisson “Fire-Blast Environments” 31 Lipska, Anne E. and Thomas E. Waterman “Fire Countermeasures and Fire Defense Operations” 34 Alger, Ray and Steve Wiersma “Fire Behavior in Testing and Modeling” 37 Alger, Ray “Experimental Fires and Fires of Opportunity” 39 Fristrom, Robert M. “Fire Research Needs and Programs” 41 Attendees: 43 Supplementary Distribution List: 45 Document Control Data sheet: 48
EBDOC031.PDF Report Dorsett Henry G. (Ed.) Research Report No. 19, Technical Summary, 10th Annual DCPA (formerly OCD) Fire Research Contractors Meeting, Asilomar, California, Apr. 23–27, 1972 Defense Civil Preparedness Agency Washington, DC Jun. 1 1972 46 Abstract: “A resume of recent Office of Civil Defense fire and shelter research discussed at the 10th annual OCD Fire Research Contractors Meeting at Asilomar, California, Apr. 23–27, is provided. Papers presented at the meeting are listed; the scope of the supporting research is given. Discussion sessions are summarized, and research status, needs, and plans are analyzed by selected participants. A list of those attending is appended.”
PDF page numbers:
Contents: 3
Introduction: 5
Conference program: 6
Work Unit Scopes: 12
Kerr, James W. “Civil Defense and Fire Research” 19
Sisson, George N. “Protective Structures and Their Vulnerability to Blast/Fire Effects” 21
Martin, Stanley B. “Blast Perturbations in Fire-damage Assessments” 24
Rainey, Charles T. “Operational Plans for Emergencies Involving Fires” 27
Shepard, Major William “Wildland Fire and Tactical Effects” 30
Fristrom, R.M. “The Fire Program at the Applied Physics Laboratory” 31
Walter, Carl “Fire Research Committee of NAS” 36
Kaplan, Kenneth “Shock Tube Facilities Available for Blast/Fire Interaction Studies Their Capabilities and Limitations” 38
Attendees: 40
Distribution List: 43
EBDOC032.PDF Report Kerr James W. (Ed.) Research Report No. 21, Technical Summary, 11th Annual DCPA Fire Research Contractors’ Meeting, Asilomar, California, Apr. 8–12, 1973 Defense Civil Preparedness Agency Washington, DC Aug. 15 1973 82 Abstract: “A resume of recent Office of Civil Defense fire and shelter research discussed at the 11th annual OCD Fire Research Contractors Meeting at Asilomar, California, Apr. 8–12, 1973, is provided. Papers presented at the meeting are listed; the scope of the supporting research is given. Discussion sessions are summarized, and research status, needs, and plans are analyzed by selected participants. A list of those attending is appended.”
PDF page numbers:
Contents: 3
Introduction: 5
Conference program: 8
Work Unit Scopes: 13
Kerr, James W. “Civil Preparedness and Emergency Operations Research” 25
Christian, John F. “National Fire Research Needs” 29
Sisson, George N. and Anne E. Lipska, “Protective Structures and Countermeasures” 31
Rempel, John R. “The Relevance of Civil Defense Studies of Blast and Fire Effects to Natural Disasters” 36
Waterman, Thomas E. and Andrew Longinow “Blast/Fire and Structural-Response/Fire Interactions” 47
White, William L. “Operations Planning Research” 49
Sisson, George N. “Nuclear Weapons Effects—a Review of Nagasaki Damage” 52
Alvares, Norman J. “The San Francisco Bay Area Eucalyptus Program 1973” 65
Participants list: 72
Distribution list: 75
EBDOC033.PDF Report Kerr James W. (Ed.) Research Report 22, Technical Summary, DCPA All-Effects Research Contractors Meeting, Pacific Grove, California Apr. 21–25, 1974 Defense Civil Preparedness Agency Washington, DC Oct. 1 1974 46 Abstract: “A resume of recent Defense Civil Preparedness Agency research discussed at the All-Effects Research Contractors Meeting at Pacific Grove, California, Apr. 21–25, 1974 is provided. Papers presented at the meeting are listed; the scope of the supporting research is given. Discussion sessions are summarized and research status, needs, and plans are analyzed by selected participants. A list of those attending is appended.”

Missing pages (document numbering): 2, 3, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91

Current PDF page numbers. (Note extensive list of missing pages above.)
Contents: 4
Introduction: 5
Conference program: 6
Work Unit Scopes: 10
Kerr, James W. “Civil Preparedness Research” 17 [material missing]
Bensen, David W. “Nuclear Radiation” 18
Kaplan, Kenneth “Interactions” 20 [material missing]
Wiehle, Carl K. “Blast, Shelters, and Structures” 21
Wilton, Charles “Non-nuclear Problems” 23
White, Clayton S. “Selected Biomedical Effects” 25 [material missing]
White, William L. “Emergency Operations and Training” 27
Richmond, Donald R. “Whole-body Impact Studies with Sheep” 29 [material missing]
Fletcher, E. R. and D. R. Richmond “Characteristics and Biological Effects of Fragments from Glass and Acrylic Windows Broken by Airblast” 34 [material missing]
Participants list: 42 [material missing]
Distribution list: 43 [material missing]

EBDOC034.PDF Article Fleeter et al. R.D. F.E. Fendell, L.M. Cohen, N. Gat, A.B. Witte Laboratory Facility for Wind-aided Firespread along a Fuel Matrix Combustion and Flame 57 (Combustion Institute): 289–311. Pittsburgh, PA 1984 23 1 blank page removed.
EBDOC035.PDF Presentation/unpublished article Carrier et al. G.F. F.E. Fendell, P.S. Feldman Criteria for Onset of Firestorms Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Conference organized by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Washington, DC 1983 8 This looks like a draft article presented at the 17th Asilomar Conference on Fire and Blast Effects of Nuclear Weapons (1983).
Note on p. 1: 1983 Asilomar [illegible] also 1982 Asilomar.
8 blank pages removed.
Includes photocopied cover page for Proceedings of the 17th Asilomar Conference on Fire and Blast Effects of Nuclear Weapons May 30-Jun. 3, 1983, Asilomar, Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California. CONF-8305107 (2 copies). FEMA Contract No. EMW-E-0883, Work Unit Unit No. 2561C.
Note on title page: File as 2563F.
EBDOC036.PDF Report Methods of Studying Mass Fires: Second Fire Research Correlation Conference, May 1957 Committee on Fire Research and the Fire Research Conference, National Academy of Sciences Washington, DC 1957 32 Contract No. CD-SR-57-25
Publication 569
Each photocopied page is a 2-page spread. TOC contains errors including 2 contributions not listed (specified below). Includes numerous handwritten notes. 32 blank pages removed (alternate pages).
PDF page numbers:
The Committee on Fire Research: 3
Foreword: 5
Conference participants: 6
Table of contents: 7
Preface: 8
Comments and Recommendations of Analysts
Emmons, Howard W. “The Phenomenological Aspects of Fires and Fire Fighting” 10
DeHaven, James C. “A Commentary on Fire Research” 13
Howe, Everett D. “My Reactions to the Conference” 16
Peter, Marc Jr. “Comments on the Conference” 17
Boldyreff, Alexander W. 18
Nottage, Herbert B. “Summary of the Conference” 19
Orientation and Background 20
Description and Discussion of Specific Mass Fires
Anderson, Harvey “Forest Fires” 21
Bond, Horatio “Urban Fires in German Cities” [not listed in TOC]
Thomas, Henry “Urban Fires” 22
Laiming, Boris “Urban Fires – Tokyo” 23
Wilson, W.O. “Industrial Fires” 23
Moore, Forrest E. “Fire Initiation” 24
Colson, DeVer “Atmospheric Factors” 24
Laiming, Boris “Fire Prevention” 25 [not listed in TOC]
Mace, James “Fire Spread” 25
Barrows, J.S. “Fire Research” 26
Driscoll, Leo C. “Fire Control” 26
Summary of the conference: 27
Interrogations by the Analysts and General Discussion 28
EBDOC037.PDF Unpublished notes Eden Lynn Jan. 12 2002 25 Notes for Eden’s book project. She summarizes in detail communications with Harold Brode. Additional communications with Gil Binninger, Matthew McKinzie, “Gene B.,” “NFA,” possibly others.
Header: Firevnchron. 25 blank pages removed (alternate pages).
EBDOC038.PDF Technical report Brode Harold L. Fire Targeting Methodology: Improvements and Automation 1. Pacific-Sierra Research Corp. (author affiliation)
2. Defense Special Weapons Agency
1. Santa Monica, CA
2. Alexandria, VA
undated 189 “A method of evaluating target vulnerability to fire from nuclear attack is incorporated into the framework and nomenclature used in assigning Vulnerability Numbers (VNs) to targets due to blast damage . . . 288 examples provided….”
5 blank pages + 2 duplicate pages removed; preface pages reordered.
Contract No. DNA-001-89-C-0129 PSR Report 2473
Includes underlines/handwritten notes (Lynn Eden?) Appendix A: “Documentation for FORTRAN Code” Appendix B: “FORTRAN Program Listing” Image of floppy disc labeled with title of this report (2 copies)
EBDOC039.PDF Report Brode Harold L. R. D. Small Physics of Large Urban Fires 1. Pacific-Sierra Research Corp. (author affiliation) for 2. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 1. Santa Monica, CA
2. Washington, DC
Mar. 1 1980 63 “Large scale urban fires which may accompany natural disasters or result from war-time actions are explored. The literature pertaining to the macroscopic physics of large area fires is reviewed. . . .”
PSR Report 1010 Contract No. DCPA01-79-C-0291 Work Unit 2564E Unclassified Includes handwritten notes.
EBDOC040.PDF Document Brode Harold L. (author of letter) Lynn Eden, recipient DNA Fire Program Briefing, Jan. 1984 Defense Nuclear Agency Alexandria, VA Jan. 1 1984 30 Briefing notes. Includes cover letter from H. Brode to L. Eden dated Apr. 29, 1999. 32 blank pages removed (alternate pages).
EBDOC041.PDF Report Brode et al. H.L. G.P. Fisher, P.F.X. Konopka, A. Laupa, G.E. McClellan Fire Damage to Urban/Industrial Targets, Volume 1, Executive Summary Defense Nuclear Agency Alexandria, VA Jul. 25 1989 20 “This is the unclassified part of the full PSR Report 1936. Includes cover letter from Brode to Theodore Postal at MIT (2/1/1991). PSR Report 1936
Contract No. DNA-001-88-C-0055
6 blank pages removed”
EBDOC042.PDF Report Brode H.L. Predictions of Fire Damage from Nuclear Attack on Urban Targets Defense Nuclear Agency Alexandria, VA May 1 1990 53 “Unclassified Alternate pages are missing: iii, v, vii, ix, xi, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89
Some graphics seem to be absent, their intended positions indicated by hand-drawn outlines.”
EBDOC043.PDF Report Brode H.
Fire Damage to Urban/Industrial Targets: Vol. 1—Executive Summary Defense Nuclear Agency Alexandria, VA Aug. 1 1991 This report: 43 File total: 207 DOC 43 comprises 2 reports: Fire Damage to Urban/Industrial Targets: Vol. 1—Executive Summary + Fire Damage to Urban/Industrial Targets U: Vol. 2
Pages missing from Document 43 as a whole: 4, 5, 6, 7, 19, 20, 22, 64, 65, 68–88, 114, 120, 150, 162
9 blank pages removed from Document 43 as a whole.
This report: PDF pages 1–22
Noted on title page:
Sponsoring Agency Report No: DNA 89 180 V1
Contract No. DNA 001-88-C-0055
PSR Report 1936
This work was sponsored by the Defense Nuclear Agency under RDT&E RMC Code B4662D RG RR 00001 TDTR 5200A 25904D.
Abstract: “A methodology is presented for estimating fire damage urban targets [sic] from nuclear bursts. The program considers thermal ignitions, disruption fires, and fire spread….”
Note from Brode on title page: “Hi Lynn — got some of the Brode studies from DTRA. Anything you think that can or should be [appended? appealed?] best, Bill” May 11, 2006
EBDOC043.PDF Report Brode et al. H.L. G.P. Fisher
P.F.X Konopka
A. Laupa
Fire Damage to Urban/Industrial Targets U: Vol. 2 Defense Nuclear Agency Alexandria, VA Jul. 25 1989 This report: 176 File total: 207 DOC 43 comprises 2 reports: Fire Damage to Urban/Industrial Targets: Vol. 1—Executive Summary + Fire Damage to Urban/Industrial Targets U: Vol. 2
Pages missing from Document 43 as a whole: 4, 5, 6, 7, 19, 20, 22, 64, 65, 68–88, 114, 120, 150, 162
9 blank pages removed from Document 43 as a whole.
This report: PDF pages 23–199
Classified by DD Form 254, Feb. 9, 1988
Contract No. DNA 001-88-C-0055
Declassify on OADR
PSR Report 1936 Vol. 2
This work was sponsored by the Defense Nuclear Agency under RDT&E RMSS Code B 4662 D RG RR 00001 TDTR 5200 A.
Some graphics seem to be absent, their intended positions indicated by hand-drawn outlines.
EBDOC044.PDF Report/Handbook Johnson et al. Lloyd E. Harold L. Brode Richard D. Small Analytical Models of Weapon Effects for Nuclear Warfare Simulation Defense Nuclear Agency Alexandria, VA Jul. 1 1984 262 This is a handbook of formulas describing certain nuclear weapon effects. Topics covered include continuous and discrete crater ejecta, crater dimensions, airblast phenomenology, dusty environment characteristics….
Contract No. DNA 001-83-C-0015
PSR Note 596
Under RDT&E RMSS Code B3501 83466 P99QAXD B 00200 H2590D
6 blank pages removed.
EBDOC045.PDF Article Brode Harold L. Numerical Solutions of Spherical Blast Waves Journal of Applied Physics vol. 26 no. 6 Jun. 1 1955 11 Includes the first page of another article from the same issue.
EBDOC046.PDF Report Brode H.L. Fire from Nuclear Bursts in Urban Areas Defense Nuclear Agency Alexandria, VA Apr. 1 1982 120
EBDOC047.PDF Technical manual Federal Civil Defense Administration Fire Effects of Bombing Attacks Federal Civil Defense Administration Washington, D.C. Aug. 1 1952 23 Includes personal letter to Lynn Eden from Andy Grossman (a grad student). He writes, “Although the Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA) published this manual in 1952, it actually appeared earlier (November 1950) via the Department of Defense, under the same title, for the National Security Resources Board (the NSRB was the agency that dealt with CD before the Civil Defense Act of 1950 [passed in Dec. 1950]).”
Each PDF page is a two-page spread.
EBDOC047–1.PDF Report/white paper Federal Civil Defense Administration Operation Cue: the Atomic Test Program of the Federal Civil Defense Administration in Cooperation with the Atomic Energy Commission, Spring 1955 Federal Civil Defense Administration Washington, D.C. 1955 95 Administrator Val Peterson, Director Atomic Test Operations, Assistant to the Director Leonard H. Lieberman.
94 blank pages removed (alternate pages)
EBDOC048.PDF Report/white paper Federal Civil Defense Administration Operation Doorstep: AEC Atomic Proving Ground, Yucca Flat, Nevada, Mar. 17, 1953 Federal Civil Defense Administration Washington, D.C. 1953 33
EBDOC049.PDF Report Brode Harold L. Large-scale Urban Fires Defense Nuclear Agency Alexandria, VA Dec. 1 1980 124 Contract DNA001-80-C-0065
PSR Note 348
26 blank pages removed
EBDOC050.PDF Presentation (Text for transparencies + accompanying notes.) Small R.D. H.L. Brode “Fire Program Plan Presentation Mar. 11–12, 1980’” Defense Nuclear Agency Washington, D.C. 1980 9 1 blank page removed
No images DNA001-80-C-0065
EBDOC051.PDF Report Goodale Thomas Effects of Air Blast on Urban Fires URS Research Company for the Office of Civil Defense Washington, D.C. Dec. 1 1970 58 Abstract: “An experimental investigation was conducted of [sic] the effect of simulated nuclear blast waves on fires. . . .”
URS 7009-4
Contract No. DAHC20-70-C-0373
Work Unit 2534 I
Includes distribution list.
56 blank pages removed (alternate pages).
Duplicate title page removed.
EBDOC052.PDF Notes on two reports [?] Research notes by Lynn Eden [?] untitled undated 6 “Notes on two reports [?]: Fire Damage to Urban/Industrial Targets: Vol. 1—Executive Summary + Fire Damage to Urban/Industrial Targets U: Vol. 2. by H.
L. Brode et al. These two reports constitute documents 41 and 43 in the present collection.
Includes brief ‘Excerpt from Interview with Dr. Harold Brode, Santa Monica, California, Sep. 7, 1989 by Lynn Eden.’ (PDF p. 4)”
BRODE 001.PDF Email Brode Harold L. to Lynn Eden No subject line. Email (printout). online Aug. 8 2001 3 In response to Lynn’s email of Jul. 26, 2001. Eden printed out Brode’s response (the present document) & added handwritten annotations. No subject line or time stamp.
BRODE 002.PDF Letter Brode Harold L. to Lynn Eden Jun. 28 2001 1 “Here are some of my comments on your manuscript.”
BRODE 003.PDF Email Eden Lynn to Harold Brode “Re: response to your e-mail response” Email (printout) online May 30 2001 2
BRODE 004.PDF Email Brode Harold L. to Lynn Eden “Re: response to your e-mail response” Email (printout) online May 30 2001 3
BRODE 005.PDF Email Brode Harold L. to Lynn Eden “Re: response to your e-mail response” Email (printout) online May 30 2001 7 RespondIng to Eden’s email of 12:54 (BRODE OO4). Includes copies of Brode to Eden Aug. 8, 2001, Brode to Eden Aug. 22, 2001.
BRODE 006.PDF Email Brode Harold L. to Lynn Eden “Re: response to your e-mail response” Email (printout) online May 30 2001 2
BRODE 007.PDF Email Eden Lynn to Harold L. Brode No subject line or time stamp (Email printout) online May 28 2001 3 Includes handwritten notes by Eden.
BRODE 008.PDF Email Brode Harold L. to Lynn Eden “Re: question re hydrodynamic modeling” Email (printout) online Apr. 19 2001 4 Responding to Eden’s email of Apr. 16, 2001
BRODE 009.PDF Email Brode Harold L. to Lynn Eden “Re: physics of mass fire…” Email (printout) online May 18 2000 4 Minimal handwritten annotations by Eden. Margin note says “BRODE May 18, 2009 NVC WINTER.”
BRODE 010.PDF Email Brode Harold L. to Lynn Eden “Re: physics of mass fire…” Email (printout) online May 18 2000 4 Duplicate of BRODE 009.
BRODE 011.PDF Letter? Email? Eden Lynn to Harold L. Brode May 12 2000 4 Letter? Email printout?
BRODE 012.PDF Email Brode Harold L. to Lynn Eden “Re: question re hydrodymanic modeling” Email (printout) online Apr. 19 2001 3 Duplicate of BRODE 008.
BRODE 013.PDF Letter Brode Harold L. to Lynn Eden undated 3 Duplicate of DOC022 (Box 5)
BRODE 014.PDF Transcription Eden Lynn Sep. 7 1989 7 1. Segment of transciption of Eden’s interview with Dr. Harold Brode, Santa Monica California, Sep. 7, 1989, Tape 3, Side 2. (Another brief section of the same interview appears in DOC052.
PDF [Box 5].) 2. Gene Sevin phone conversation 3. Eden’s notes on an article published in Science Dec. 22, 1983: R.
P. Turco, O.
B. Toon, T.
P. Ackerman, J. B. Pollack, and Carl Sagan, “Nuclear Winter: Global Consequences of Multiple Nuclear Explosions” 4. Margin note: “BRODE Sep. 2, 1989 NVC WINTER”
BRODE 015.PDF Notes Eden Lynn undated 2 Undated notes by Eden preparing to draft her MS.
BRODE 016.PDF Notes Eden Lynn undated 3 Undated notes by Eden re her conversation with Paul N. Edwards. Includes brief email from him: “stuff I promised you”
BRODE 016.
Email Edwards Paul A. to Lynn Eden online Feb. 3, 1998 3 Brief email from Paul N. Edwards to Eden: “stuff I promised you”. Appears at the end of her notes on their conversation.
BRODE 017.PDF Paper (unpublished draft) Mackenzie [?] Lynn Eden’s copy + her notes untitled undated 10 Draft paper, untitled, undated. “Two research concerns underlie this paper. The first concern is a desire to understand the evolution of computer architectures…. The second concern is a wish to know more about the role of the large, publicly-funded research and development organizations often called ‘national laboratories’….” Eden’s note: “Found on Google…early computing Los Alamos. Someone at U. Edinburgh Donald? … It’s Mackenzie.”