1. DPRK Energy
2. Natural Gas Pipelines in North East Asia
3. Nuclear Power for Energy Security in Japan
4. Japan Spent Fuel Storage
5. North East Asia Power Grid
6. North Korea – Aminex Agreement for DPRK Energy Development
7. Russia to Ratify Kyoto Protocol
8. Power Shortages in Shanghai
9. Decentralized Renewable Energy for Response to Climate Change
1. DPRK Energy
The Nautilus Institute (Von Hippel, David, “EVALUATION OF ENERGY PATHS FOR THE DPRK”, May 12 — 14, 2004) released this presentation from the Asian Energy Security Workshop held in Beijing, China from May 11 — 14, 2004. The presentation outlined background and preparation of analysis of national and regional energy pathway scenarios for the DPRK modeled using Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning (LEAP) software. Von Hippel’s initial modeling results showed significant energy savings at low costs for a “Sustainable Development” energy pathway both nationally and with regional cooperation as compared to a “Business As Usual” pathway.
2. Natural Gas Pipelines in North East Asia
Korea Energy Economics Institute and the International Energy Agency (Lee, Heung Bog, “THE PERSPECTIVES OF INTERNATIONAL PIPELINE PROJECTS IN NEA”, March 2004) released this presentation for the Joint Conference on Northeast Asia Energy Security and Cooperation in Seoul, Korea from March 16 — 17, 2004. The paper reviews the outlook of natural gas in the world, proposed international Natural Gas Projects in North East Asia, and includes overviews of future studies of natural gas projects in the region. The author concluded that Natural Gas pipelines in North East Asia will be beneficial to both exporters and importers as an integrated gas market emerges and diversification of energy sources enhance regional energy security
View the full report here.
3. Nuclear Power for Energy Security in Japan
The James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy of Rice University (Medlock, Kenneth; Hartley, Peter, “THE ROLE OF NUCLEAR POWER IN ENHANCING JAPAN’S ENERGY SECURITY”, 2004) released this economic modeling study “to quantify the energy security value of nuclear power to Japan.” The study considered the “benefits derived from nuclear power’s role in reducing the economic impact of an oil price shock” and specifically looked at savings related to the development of nuclear capacity. The study found that nuclear power “has helped protect the Japanese economy from the negative impact of oil price fluctuations” and that “there is a clear energy security value for nuclear power in Japan.”
4. Japan Spent Fuel Storage
Jiji Press (Jiji Press, “JAPAN’S NUKE POWER IN DANGER IF FUEL RECYCLING PLAN FAILS”, September 22, 2004) reported that “more than half of Japan?s nuclear power reactors will have to be shut down by 2010 if a reprocessing plant in northern Japan immediately stops accepting spent nuclear fuel for storage.” Currently, spent nuclear fuel is sent to Rokkasho Village, Aomori to be stored until reprocessing. If the reprocessing project is forced to shut down due to high costs, Rokkasho may refuse the spent fuel and plants will be unable to continue due to lack of storage space.
5. North East Asia Power Grid
Korea Energy Economics Institute and the International Energy Agency (Minakov, Victor, “PROPOSED CONCEPTS OF ELECTRIC POWER GRID IN NORTH EAST ASIA”, March 16, 2004) released this presentation for the Joint Conference on Northeast Asia Energy Security and Cooperation in Seoul, Korea from March 16 — 17, 2004. Minakov reported estimates of electric power generation and consumption from 2002 to 2012 and considered power sources, highlighting hydropower projects. The report also showed planned international linkages from the Russian Far East.
The presentation can be viewed here.
6. North Korea — Aminex Agreement for DPRK Energy Development
Oil and Gas Journal (OGJ editors, “LONDON INDEPENDENT INKS 20 YEAR PACT TO ASSIST NORTH KOREA”, September 29) reported that North Korea and Aminex PLC, London independent signed a 10-year agreement for the development of North Korea?s petroleum industry. Aminex will initially provide technical assistance to North Korea in exchange for a royalty on hydrocarbons produced from any drilling activity. The agreement also gives Aminex the right to explore in specified DPRK territory. The agreement was signed on June 30 in Pyongyang, “subject to certain closing conditions that have since been fulfilled.”
Read the full report here.
7. Russia to Ratify Kyoto Protocol
The New York Times (Mydans, Seth; Revkin, Andrew C., “RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT BACKS U.N. ACCORD ON GLOBAL WARMING”, September 30, 2004) reported that the Russian cabinet has approved the Kyoto Protocol on global warming and is preparing to send it to parliament. Although approval of the treaty is expected based upon President Putin?s wishes, a difficult debate with the opposition is predicted. The treaty must be ratified by at least 55 countries accounting for at least 55 percent of the 1990 level of global emissions. Although 120 nations have ratified the treaty, Russia?s ratification is needed to satisfy the global emissions requirement.
Read the full article here.
8. Power Shortages in Shanghai
Asia News (Asia News/SCMP, “POWER SHORTFALL IN SHANGHAI COULD LEAD TO WINTER RATIONING”, September 30, 2004) reported that Shanghai will face a power shortage of 1.4 to 1.6 million KW this winter. The shortages are a continuation of summer shortages and are predicted to ease between 2006 and 2008, and may lead to rationing measures. The city will try to make up for the power shortages by buying power from other provinces and increasing efficiency until new power generators are on line in 2006.
Read the full article here.
9. Decentralized Renewable Energy for Response to Climate Change
The International Institute for Sustainable Development (Venema, Henry David; Cisse, Moussa, “SEEING THE LIGHT: ADAPTING T O CLIMATE CHANGE WITH DECENTRALIZED RENEWABLE ENERGY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES”, 2004) published this book as a tool for adaptive response to climate change. The author suggests that “decentralized renewable energy projects (DREs) address core sustainable development priorities and build adaptive capacity to climate change, without increasing greenhouse gas emissions.” The author argues that climate policy around the DRE can act as a building block of good faith in North-South climate negations.
Download the book here.