Coping with Tokyo’s Mountain of Waste

Articles Ecology & Environment   Recycling – A Solution? Coping with Tokyo’s Mountain of Waste By Ruediger Kuehr During the 1960s, it was advisable to permanently carry a fly swatter if one lived in the districts close to Tokyo Bay. In fact, the inhabitants of Tokyo have been trying to control invasions of flies during […]

Tokyo, the Industrial City

Articles Trade & Economics   Tokyo, The Industrial City By Paul Waley Offices in Tokyo are not always the most stimulating of places: lines of paper-strewn desks, gray like the filing cabinets that surround them and the expressions on the faces of the people who occupy them. It might seem perverse, therefore, to suggest that […]

Tokyo: Water City

Articles Ecology & Environment     Tokyo: Water City by Paul Waley For much of the 1980s, Tokyo’s waterfront was an obsession. Books were published on the subject by the shelf-full. Conferences were held. The media’s attention was never diverted. There was money to be made out on the waterfront, especially for companies with large […]

Tokyo: Water City

Articles Ecology & Environment   Tokyo: Water City by Paul Waley For much of the 1980s, Tokyo’s waterfront was an obsession. Books were published on the subject by the shelf-full. Conferences were held. The media’s attention was never diverted. There was money to be made out on the waterfront, especially for companies with large land […]

Working Women in Japan

Articles Trade & Economics   Working Women in Japan By Eiko Shinotsuka, Japan II: The Early Working Years The status of the Japanese woman has changed markedly during the years since the end of World War II. Before the war, the Japanese woman was firmly entrenched in a patriarchal system, taught to obey first her […]