N Korea energy crisis could threaten regime

N Korea energy crisis could threaten regime, Christian Oliver, Financial Times, 15 March 2009 North Korea’s electrical power grid is dying, according to international experts and foreign diplomats.Satellite photographs showing North Korea as a black void surrounded by South Korea and Japan, ablaze with light are already famous.“What we are looking at is the x-ray […]

Pyongyang needs a good neighbour

Pyongyang needs a good neighbour, Cynthia Banham, Sydney Morning Herald, 23 February 2009 Peter Hayes, executive director of the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development and an expert on North Korea, believes “Australia needs to establish its own lines of communication, create relationships of influence and co-operation”. It should be providing training to North […]

US calls for Afghan troop boost

US calls for Afghan troop boost, Kathy Novak, SBS World News, 19 February 2009 “If they did [boost their numbers] or if some of those other countries come to the party, then there would then be very considerable pressure on Australia, I believe, to increase its commitment.”

NKorea reshuffle signals tougher policy: analysts

NKorea reshuffle signals tougher policy: analysts, AFP, Khaleej Times, 12 February 2009 A missile test, or suggestions of a future test, “would be an effective calculated move to ensure that negotiations with North Korea become a very high priority item on the president’s to-do list.”

Pyongyang attention seeking with missile moves

Pyongyang attention seeking with missile moves, Sen Lam with Scott Bruce, ABC, 4 February 2009 “Well North Korea has conducted three missiles test in the last 11 years. To put that in perspective it took the United States 40 tests to perfect the targeting of its ICBM system. So if we’re assuming that North Korean […]

Empantanados en Afganistán

Empantanados en Afganistán, La Vanguardia, 2 February 2009 “Para el Pentágono, y para la opinión pública americana, incrementar el frente del Hindukush podría ser compensación por la retirada en Irak, pero tanto Estados Unidos como sus aliados europeos están agravando más las cosas allá. Por qué? “Confusión estratégica, inercia institucional y diversos intereses propios, ofrecen el […]

South Korea to deploy remote-controlled mines along border

South Korea to deploy remote-controlled mines along border, Sonja Heydeman, Peter Hayes, Radio Australia, ABC, 27 January 2009 South Korea says it will deploy remote-controlled mines along its heavily fortified border with North Korea by 2013. A defence ministry spokesman says bids have been invited for the development of the new mines called “spider bombs”.

China announces big defence spending increase

China announces big defence spending increase, Sen Lam, Richard Tanter, Connect Asia, Radio Australia, ABC, 22 January 2009 “I think if you like there are two myths abroad about China and its military power. One if you like from the more hawkish elements of the Pentagon suggest that Chinese economic rise must inevitably lead to […]

Korea: The Thaw Begins

Korea: The Thaw Begins, Dennis Burke, International Relations and Security Network, 24 November 2008  “There is also a lot of fear that if Obama pushes ahead with engagement with North Korea while inter-Korean relations remain stalemated, South Korea will end up being isolated in the process. But there’s a disagreement over whether that means the […]

Indonesia ‘crucial’ in weathering climate storm

Indonesia ‘crucial’ in weathering climate storm, Tom Hyland, Age, 23 November 2008 International experts meeting in Melbourne this weekend are considering how to deal with alarming scenarios created by climate change – not only on the environment and people’s lives but on national and international security.