Talk best path to avoid a war between North and South Korea

Talk best path to avoid a war between North and South Korea, Peter Hayes, Herald Sun, November 25th, 2010 The revelation of a working enrichment plant declares to the world – especially the US and China – that the North no longer relies only on plutonium to make nuclear weapons. Rather, within a few years […]

Full-scale war on Korean peninsula ‘unlikely’

Full-scale war on Korean peninsula ‘unlikely’, Michael Edwards, ABC News, November 25, 2010 An expert on North Korea, Professor Peter Hayes from RMIT University, says yesterday’s attack is evidence there is a new sense of confidence in Pyongyang. “I think the reason, at least in part, is that [North Korea] feels it has a both […]

Japan looks to defuse spat with China

Japan looks to defuse spat with China, Connect Asia, ABC Radio Australia, September 14, 2010 Richard Tanter: “It’s caught between wanting to not really ruffle Chinese feathers too much, but also fairly severe domestic pressures in three directions. One is always when China is concerned, and particularly when China appears in certain Japanese eyes, to […]

Former President Carter Reportedly Heading to North Korea

Former President Carter Reportedly Heading to North Korea, Steve Herman, Voice of America, 24 August 2010 Timothy Savage, the deputy director in Seoul for the Nautilus Institute, a public policy research group, says there may be more to Mr. Carter’s visit than just winning the release of one American. “I think that entirely depends on […]

Engagement with the North is best

Engagement with the North is best (English), (Korean) Joong Ang Daily, 18 August 2010 South Korea needs to adopt a new form of engagement with North Korea – a strategy that avoids the extremes of only pressuring the North or only offering concessions – according to Peter Hayes, the director of the Nautilus Institute. An attempt […]

North seizes South Korean boat

North seizes South Korean boat, Al jazeera, 8 August 2010   North Korea has seized a South Korean fishing boat that went missing in the Sea of Japan.Timothy Savage, a security expert at the Nautilus Institute, said the area where the boat was seized is “not clearly defined” and that “most of these countries in the region […]

US tracks illicit NKorean funds

US tracks illicit NKorean funds, Claudette Werde, Asia Pacific, ABC, 26 July 2010 Professor Peter Hayes, from the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability says it is unclear what Washington is trying to achieve with this latest attempt at financial sanctions [against North Korea]. The director of the international public policy think-tank says whether it […]

No plans for nuclear power in Indonesia

No plans for nuclear power in Indonesia, Lynn Lee, Straits Times, 19 June 2010 President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has put a temporary end to discussions as to whether Indonesia should build nuclear power plants, saying his administration has no plans to do so. In March, a parliamentary commission had said it supported the development of […]

Failed bomb attack unveils real face of international terrorism

Failed bomb attack unveils real face of international terrorism, Sally Neighbour, The Australian, 8 May  2010 The failed New York car bombing has revived the spectre of home-grown terrorism that has stalked the West since 2001. Even more insidious, it reveals yet again the outstretched hand of Pakistan in global jihadist terror. In doing so, […]