Indonesia insists nuclear plans are safe

Indonesia insists nuclear plans are safe, Anthony Deutsch, Financial Times, 17 March 2011 “There is acute regulatory risk and you want the highest possible level of transparency, robustness and integrity,” said Richard Tanter of Australia’s Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability. “Those are not phrases that come to mind with the current Indonesian government, or […]

Japanese weigh the nuclear risk of staying put

Japanese weigh the nuclear risk of staying put, Los Angeles Times, Barbara Demick and Mark Magnier, 15 March 2011 The government is deciding which information to release, balancing the public’s right to know against preventing a panic, said Richard Tanter, a senior research associate with the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability in Australia.

Despite Japan Crisis, Indonesia Pursues Nuclear Power

Despite Japan Crisis, Indonesia Pursues Nuclear Power, Voice of America News, Brian Padden, 14 March 2011 Aziz says to ensure public safety Indonesia will build plants outside of earthquake zones and in accordance with the International Atomic Energy Agency guidelines. But Richard Tanter a nuclear safety and security researcher at the Nautilus Institute in Melbourne says, the […]

Japan fears nuclear plant meltdown,

Japan fears nuclear plant meltdown, Al Jazeera News, 12 March 2011 Blast reported at nuclear plant amid worries that quake-hit reactor can no longer cool radioactive substances. Peter Hayes, the executive director of the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable development in Melbourne, described the situation as “dire”. “It’s still possible that the reactor workers […]

Nuclear expert comments on Japan’s crisis [VIDEO]

Nuclear expert comments on Japan’s crisis [VIDEO], Al Jazeera, 11 March 2011 Peter Hayes, the executive director of the Nautilus Institute, describes the situation as “dire” and explains how a “massive nuclear crisis” could unfold. Reeling Japan gets a chance to show resilience, Sen Lam, Radio Australia News, 11 March 2011 Japan analyst Dr Richard Tanter, […]

Japan’s tsunami could hit economy hard

Japan’s tsunami could hit economy hard Sen Lam, Radio Australia News, 11 March 2011. Japan analyst, Richard Tanter, is senior research associate at the Nautilus Institute in Melbourne. Dr Tanter has been following news from Tokyo all afternoon. LAM: How do you think the government will cope? TANTER: Well, it is extremely hard to know. […]

N. Korea seeks to sell global carbon credits

N. Korea seeks to sell global carbon credits, Jung Ha-won, Agence France Presse, 8 March 2011. Many rural areas receive power only during key agricultural seasons, and must rely for the rest of the year on alternative fuels, according to a recent policy paper published by the Nautilus Institute think-tank.

China, US making South China Sea a nuclear zone

China, US making South China Sea a nuclear zone, Jun Verzola, GMA News, 3 February 2011. Article 7 of the treaty says that each signatory state may decide for itself, “on being notified,” how to deal with possibly nuclear-armed vessels and aircraft that visit its ports and airfields, that navigate through its waters or fly over […]

US, South Korea skeptical of North Korea’s nuclear offer

US, South Korea skeptical of North Korea’s nuclear offer, Peter Ford, Christian Science Monitor, 21 December 2010 Pyongyang may now be ready to give up its aging plutonium program, which has included two nuclear tests but which the authorities have partially disabled in return for aid, say some observers. But that does not mean the […]