Policy Forum 10-038: North Korea’s Choice: Bombs over Electricity

Siegfried S. Hecker is professor (research), Department of Management Science and Engineering, co-director of the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC), Stanford University, and an NAE member. Sean C. Lee is a research assistant, and Chaim Braun is a consulting professor at CISAC. They write, “the next Six-Party negotiations must balance the disincentives the parties can bring to bear on North Korea if it chooses to keep the bomb—namely further international sanctions and isolation—with incentives for greater security and economic development… Instead of remaining fixated on denuclearization, Washington should realize that, in spite of its inconsistent and often contradictory policies during the past 20 years, diplomacy has left Pyongyang with only a handful of bombs, instead of the 100 or more it might have had by now, and essentially no significant nuclear-generated electricity.”

NAPSNet Daily Report 13 July, 2010

  1. I. NAPSNet
  2. DPRK on Naval Ship Sinking
  3. Sino-DPRK Relations
  4. DPRK-Japan Relations
  5. ROK on Naval Ship Sinking
  6. Inter-Korean Relations
  7. Inter-Korean Economic Relations
  8. Israel on DPRK Arms Exports
  9. DPRK Development Aid
  10. US-ROK Security Alliance
  11. US-ROK Joint Naval Exercises
  12. ROK-Burmese Relations
  13. ROK Environment
  14. Japan Politics
  15. Japanese Peacekeeping Operations
  16. USFJ Base Relocation
  17. Sino-US Relations
  18. Cross-Strait Relations
  19. PRC Energy Infrastructure
  20. PRC Environment
  21. PRC Internet Control

NAPSNet Daily Report 13 July, 2010

  1. I. NAPSNet
  2. DPRK on Naval Ship Sinking
  3. Sino-DPRK Relations
  4. DPRK-Japan Relations
  5. ROK on Naval Ship Sinking
  6. Inter-Korean Relations
  7. Inter-Korean Economic Relations
  8. Israel on DPRK Arms Exports
  9. DPRK Development Aid
  10. US-ROK Security Alliance
  11. US-ROK Joint Naval Exercises
  12. ROK-Burmese Relations
  13. ROK Environment
  14. Japan Politics
  15. Japanese Peacekeeping Operations
  16. USFJ Base Relocation
  17. Sino-US Relations
  18. Cross-Strait Relations
  19. PRC Energy Infrastructure
  20. PRC Environment
  21. PRC Internet Control