Korea-Japan Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (KJNWFZ) Concept Paper

A Korea-Japan Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (hereafter KJNWFZ) is a new concept. Once realized, it could help resolve a number of linked and intractable security issues in Northeast Asia at the same time. This includes the need to respond to North Korea’s nuclear breakout without undermining the Global Abolition policy announced by President Obama; the need for Japan and Korea to deepen their non-nuclear commitments to more deeply ingrained “forever” status without hedging; and the need for Japan-Korean cooperation to lay the foundations for a comprehensive security mechanism and long-term regional security institution, including through cooperative nuclear fuel cycle and space development activities.

A version of this concept paper is also available in Korean and Japanese.

Joint Investigation Report on the Attack Against ROK Ship Cheonan

Joint Investigation Group released the full report on the sinking of the ROK Corvette Cheonan. This 300 page report includes detailed results from the JIG’s investigation including testimony from survivors and analyses of possible causes of the sinking.  The report concludes that the Cheonan was sunk by a “CHT-02D torpedo with approximately 250kg of explosives manufactured and used by North Korea.”