NAPSNet Daily Report 22 May, 2009

NAPSNet Daily Report 21 May, 2009

Policy Forum 09-040: China Civil Society Report: Charitable Donation in China

Jia Xijin, Associate Professor at the NGO Research Center at Tsinghua University, and Zhao Yusi, Project Assistant of NGO Research Center at Tsinghua University, describe the increase in donations to NGOs and public charities in China after the snow storm and Wenchuan earthquake. They note trends on the source of these donations, the organizations receiving them, and the oversight and transparency involved in the donation process.

NAPSNet Daily Report 20 May, 2009

NAPSNet Daily Report 19 May, 2009

NAPSNet Daily Report 15 May, 2009

Policy Forum 09-039: The New Korean Cold War and the Possibility of Thaw

Georgy Toloraya, Director of Korean Research Programs at the Institute of Economics at the Russian Academy of Science, writes, “First, a paradigm of US-DPRK coexistence has to be worked out based on the assumption that the Pyongyang regime is here to stay and should be recognized. A tacit understanding on the future of the DPRK and an easing of pressure on the country should be effected… This new approach should be seriously presented to North Korea by a communication at the highest level, without the demand for immediate ‘tit for tat’. Only after doing that could new arrangements for security on the Korean peninsula be discussed, with demilitarization and denuclearization remaining a vital but distant goal.”

NAPSNet Daily Report 14 May, 2009

Policy Forum 09-038: A New U.S. Policy toward Korea: Korean American Recommendations for Real Change

John H. Kim, a Korean American attorney who served in the U.S. Army in South Korea, and Indong Oh, a Korean American Medical Doctor and co-chair of the June 15th Korean American Committee for Peace and Reunification of Korea, write, “As a candidate who got elected on a campaign promise of “change,” President Obama has a unique mandate and opportunity to shape a new U.S. policy toward Korea, including ending the long, costly Korean War finally and normalizing our relations with North Korea. However, it is not clear whether he recognizes the golden opportunity to bring a real change to the old, misguided U.S. policy toward Korea.”