NAPSNet Daily Report 1 July, 2009

NAPSNet Daily Report 29 June, 2009

NAPSNet Daily Report 26 June, 2009

Policy Forum 09-052: North Korea and the Importance of Arms Control

Donald G. Gross, former counselor of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, writes, “The administration can strongly oppose nuclear proliferation while still upholding the principles of arms control that have helped keep America safe for more than a generation. A policy approach that preserves an honored place for arms control negotiations is in the best interests of the United States and its allies, now and in the future.”

NAPSNet Daily Report 25 June, 2009

NAPSNet Daily Report 24 June, 2009

NAPSNet Daily Report 23 June, 2009

North Korea: Getting Back to Talks

The International Crisis Group, an independent, non-profit, multinational organization, working through field-based analysis and high-level advocacy to prevent and resolve deadly conflict, writes, “While still preserving the Six-Party framework… the U.S. needs to talk to Pyongyang directly at the highest levels. At best this could result in a deal; at worst it might shed some light on North Korea’s motivations and aspirations. High-level engagement may seem to be rewarding bad behaviour, but it is also the only way any agreement is likely to be reached.”

ICG has also published supporting reports on North Koreans nuclear and missile program (available at: 09051BICG.pdf) and the DPRK’s chemical and biological weapons program (available at: 09051CICG.pdf).

NAPSNet Daily Report 22 June, 2009