NAPSNet Daily Report 16 December, 2009

NAPSNet Daily Report 15 December, 2009

Policy Forum 09-094: Symbolism of the New North Korean Currency: Heralding a Change of Power in North Korea?

Rudiger Frank, Professor of East Asian Economy and Society at the University of Vienna, writes, “Technically, the new North Korean currency is an attempt to bring the economy back under control. But the picture of the elderly Kim Il-sung, the first-ever appearance of Kim Jong-il, and the reminder that these two leaders form a unity and that the Party is above the military also indicate that a power change in North Korea is drawing closer.”

NAPSNet Daily Report 11 December, 2009

Policy Forum 09-093: North Korea: A Date in Pyongyang – but What Real Hope?

Aidan Foster-Carter, Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Sociology & Modern Korea at Leeds University, writes, “Nuclear weapons may be misguided self-defence, but state crime is North Korea’s unforced and persistent choice. This is a pit Pyongyang dug for itself, as it has so many others – while often resisting or even biting the helping hand that offers to pull it out. So the fear must be that Kim Jong-il has no desire to go straight; that indeed he cannot conceive of doing so. Or again, in all honesty what hope is there for a ruler who quails in fear at TV adverts for beer?”

NAPSNet Daily Report 8 December, 2009