NAPSNet Daily Report 19 February, 2010

NAPSNet Daily Report 18 February, 2010

Policy Forum 10-013: We Need Both Hatoyama’s Decision and Obama’s Patience

Tsuneo “Nabe” Watanabe, Senior Fellow at the Tokyo Foundation, writes, “if mutual trust were created between the leaders of both sides, it would not be impossible to find solutions to overcome future troubles as well as the current impasse without damaging the alliance itself… The complex and difficult management of bases in Okinawa should not be a litmus test for support of the general Japan-US alliance.”

Policy Forum 10-012: Peace Talks, Sanctions and Nuclear Negotiations: What the North is Really Saying

U.S.-Korea Institute at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) issued this analysis of the DPRK’s recent statements which notes, “By focusing on the dynamic as a cause of the problem rather than blaming the U.S. (or the ROK or Japan) as the culprit, Pyongyang has given itself room to consider a fairly broad range of options for moving the negotiating process ahead. Similarly noteworthy was the statement’s unusually balanced portrayal of the accomplishments of the Six Party Talks, citing examples of ways in which both sides gained. That allows the North to move forward in talks while maintaining its position that the way ahead rests on give or take or, more precisely, the principle of ‘action for action.’”

NAPSNet Daily Report 12 February, 2010

NAPSNet Daily Report 11 February, 2010

NAPSNet Daily Report 10 February, 2010