NAPSNet Daily Report 6 April, 2010

NAPSNet Daily Report 2 April, 2010

Policy Forum 10-021: The Domestic and International Politics of Spent Nuclear Fuel in South Korea: Are We Approaching Meltdown?

Park Seong-won is a Visiting Fellow, Miles Pomper is a Senior Research Associate, and Larry Scheinman is a Distinguished Professor at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies. The authors write, “nuclear power has brought important benefits to the ROK, but also one particularly negative consequence: an accumulation of spent nuclear fuel that will soon outstrip the country’s storage capacity for highly radioactive waste. With the current nuclear cooperation agreement between South Korea and the United States set to expire in 2014, and an increasingly urgent need to find a solution, Seoul and Washington will have to overcome previous tensions on the issue.”

Policy Forum 10-020: Why the Sunshine Policy Made Sense

James E. Hoare was Britain’s Chargé d’Affaires to the DPRK from 2001-2002 and opened the British Embassy in Pyongyang. In this article on the Sunshine policy he writes, “Slowly, the policy was creating a group of people who could see benefits in remaining on good terms with South Korea and who had wider links with the outside world. Engagement has worked in other countries, most noticeably China, and I believe that it was beginning to work in North Korea. There was never going to be a speedy change in attitudes built up over sixty years, but stopping the process after ten was not a wise decision.”

NAPSNet Daily Report 1 April, 2010

NAPSNet Daily Report 1 April, 2010

NAPSNet Daily Report 31 March, 2010

NAPSNet Daily Report 30 March, 2010