NAPSNet Daily Report 29 April, 2010

NAPSNet Daily Report 28 April, 2010

NAPSNet Daily Report 27 April, 2010

NAPSNet Daily Report 26 April, 2010

Policy Forum 10-025: Rajin-Sonbong: A Strategic Choice for China in Its Relations with Pyongyang

Scott Snyder, Director of the Center for U.S.-Korea Policy at the Asia Foundation, writes, “How the PRC central government handles Rajin-Sonbong may provide additional needed leverage to drive a financially hurting regime back to the negotiating table, or it may provide the North Koreans with a lifeline that sustains the leadership and provides it with the capacity to avoid necessary reforms. Given that many Chinese private firms recognize the risks of investing in North Korea under the current regime, a central government decision to invest in the Rajin-Sonbong is likely to be aimed more at perpetuating the status quo than at achieving the regime transformation necessary to promote North Korea’s economic integration into the region.”

NAPSNet Daily Report 23 April, 2010

NAPSNet Daily Report 22 April, 2010

Policy Forum 10-024: Russia and the North Korean Knot

Georgy Toloraya, Director of Korean Programs at the Institute of Economy, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, writes, “the talks should not concentrate exclusively on the nuclear issue. They should deal with comprehensive security problems, dating back several decades. Denuclearization is only one track of these talks, and actually it is even a secondary one. As the member of the talks with the least “egoistic” interests and responsibility to manage the issues of the mechanism of peace and security in North East Asia, Russia should put forward such an agenda.”

NAPSNet Daily Report 21 April, 2010

NAPSNet Daily Report 20 April, 2010